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Local Lines |
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IBEW Rally in St. Louis | |
L.U. 1 (as,c,ees,ei,em,es,et,fm,i,mt,rts,s,se,spa,st& ws), ST. LOUIS, MO—Last December, Local 1 rallied outside the Carpenters' hall to make the public aware of tactics that Carpenters "Local 57" has been using to raid the jurisdiction of IBEW Local 1. These tactics have: led to a decline in the quality of electrical work in the region, decreased market share for Local 1 members, and generated tension among unionized tradesmen. Despite freezing weather, 500-plus Local 1 members circled the Carpenters' hall on Hampton Avenue. Carrying signs of solidarity and Local 1 banners, members marched wearing IBEW coats and hats. The large number of participants required the use of shuttle buses from Local 1 to the Carpenters' hall. The rally lasted from 3:30 p.m. to 8 p.m. as thousands of cars passed by and was well received by the public. Special thanks to all IBEW locals that joined Local 1 members at the rally: Locals 4, 253, 309, 350, 453, 649, 702, 1439 and 1455. Lastly, thanks to all Local 1 members who rallied together to remind the St. Louis region what quality, craftsmanship and brotherhood really mean. We mourn the death of members Victor Strubberg, Donald O'Neil Jr., Raymond Mueller, Edward Sherrick, Lona Fingerhut, George Bates, Robert Arras, Joseph Raich, Jeffrey Rudolph, Larry Frey II, Bernard Krachenberg, Tracy Kuplic and Richard Patty. |
![]() IBEW Local 1 members and supporters rally at the Carpenters' hall in St. Louis. |
Utility Local Update |
L.U. 15 (u), DOWNERS GROVE, IL—The local has negotiated a new work group in the Overhead Transmission organization. This group will utilize helicopters to do cyclic patrolling of the transmission system and maintenance through the use of long-lining equipment and transporting workers to and from structures. There are also ongoing talks about an Underground Department reorganization. The in-depth talks include efficiencies in installation, replacement and repair of underground cables and equipment, safety improvements, new training and promotional opportunities. Meter Readers with one year of service are now eligible to lateral, an opportunity they have not had before. Exelon has posted 13 Reactor Services (fuel handler) positions across five sites. This is a significant increase (almost 33 percent) in the number of Reactor Services employees, bringing the number of workers in the department to 55. The goal is to cut down on overtime and travel. In December 2010, Local 15 attended the Nuclear Conference in Las Vegas. We gave a presentation to the conference on the decommissioning of Zion Nuclear station which included successor language, job security and the time frame for completion. Local 15 had six members attend the IBEW Arbitration School at the University of Illinois. Retiree Terry MacMahon generously donated $1,000 to the Local 15 Scholarship Fund, which will allow us to add two more scholarships in 2011. |
2011 Work Outlook |
L.U. 17 (catv,em,lctt,o&u), DETROIT, MI—We secured the wind farm maintenance work for phase two of the Harvest Wind Project, which at this writing was scheduled to begin in January 2011. We look forward to starting approximately 120 miles of new transmission work for ITC Transmission late this summer. According to DTE Energy, its projected budget is double the amount of last year's for pole top maintenance work. This has allowed us to keep our line apprentice program healthy. We have established a Safety Committee on our construction agreement that meets bi-monthly. Our goals are to improve the safety culture of our members. The utility is in the middle of awarding new contracts for the tree trim maintenance program, which is expected to exceed $50 million for 2011. For the last several years the local has enjoyed a robust work environment with our Michigan Department of Transportation work. We don't anticipate this to continue given the financial situation in Michigan. Our organizing campaign is alive and well with six new companies joining the ranks of the IBEW over the last 12 months. We thank Local 17's members for manning the 19 storms that swept through Michigan last year. Our safety record, work ethic, and job knowledge are the only reasons line work in our jurisdiction is 100 percent union labor. |
Losses On and Off the Job |
L.U. 21 (catv,govt&t), DOWNERS GROVE, IL—In January, AT&T announced it is cutting more than 800 union jobs in Illinois and northwest Indiana. Our local is doing everything we can to minimize the job losses and the effects they have on the families of our hard-working brothers and sisters. We are extremely disappointed in AT&T's decision. We need job creation, not job eliminations—and corporate decisions like these by highly profitable companies like AT&T hit us all across the bow. Our local mourns the loss of four members. On Oct. 14, 2010, Bro. Keith Darnell was killed in an on-the-job accident while working for AT&T. Bro. Marcus Kristofec died in October in an auto accident. Our Bro. Stephen Peters was killed in an incident that also took the life of Chicago police officer Michael Flisk on Nov. 26. Sister Temeka Ward recently passed after battling a long illness. Our sister was featured in an article by Union Privilege outlining the benefits offered to members in need. Our thoughts and prayers go out to the families of these members. Accidents like the one involving Bro. Darnell reinforce our commitment to safety. No job is so important and no service is so urgent that we cannot take time to perform our work safely. |
40th Softball Tournament |
L.U. 25 (catv,i&rts), LONG ISLAND, NY—We thank the 27 teams that participated in the 40th IBEW Long Island Softball Tournament sponsored by Locals 3, 25 and 1049 at Baldwin Park, Baldwin, NY. The tournament was played under ideal weather conditions from Aug. 27-29, 2010. Winners were as follows: • Upper bracket—Local 3, "A" Team against Local 456, • Lower bracket—Local 3, Seniors against Local 3, Interboro • Home Run Derby—Seby Dattolo, Local 3 "A" Team—#14 • Brotherhood Award—Local 307, Cumberland, MD Players and their guests enjoyed the two-day barbeque hosted by the Tournament Committee. This tournament is always played the last weekend of August. Any local that wishes to participate may call the Local 25 president's office at (631) 273-4567, Ext. 241. |
Community Service Volunteers |
L.U. 29 (u), PITTSBURGH, PA—The Local 29 Community Service Committee comprises many hard working volunteers. Over the years, with the local's support, these volunteers have helped others in our communities who are less fortunate. Following are just some of last year's accomplishments: The Woman's Shelter in Beaver County was presented a Sony 42-inch, 120-hertz, flat screen TV, with a five-year maintenance provision, for the children's day room at the shelter. The Holy Family Institute was given a pasta dinner prepared by Chef Bob, and entertainment by a magician in December. All the children residing at the Institute participated. We also donated three flat-screen TVs and two Sony Play Station Threes to the Institute. Cash was donated to the North Hills and Greater Pittsburgh Food Banks. For Thanksgiving, $25 Giant Eagle gift cards were given to laid-off power station workers. Auberly House (also known as the Boys Town of the East) participated in an annual carnival for the children. Local 29 and the Community Service Committee provided games and prizes. Also, two DM-52 digital microscopes were purchased for use in Auberly House classes. Through the Sharing and Caring Program, we "adopted" 20 disabled veterans for an evening, providing a dinner cruise on the Gateway Clipper Fleet. We strive to make a difference in our communities. Thanks to Bill Webb for his help with this article. |
![]() The Local 29 Community Service Committee donates two digital microscopes to an Auberly House representative at a union meeting. |
Review of 2010 Events |
L.U. 41 (em,es,govt,i,se&spa), BUFFALO, NY—With the new year underway, we can take a look back at 2010. The work picture started slow last year and then finally picked up in the summer and has remained steady since then. July brought the retirement of Mike Franey, our president for the past 31 years. In August we held our Local 41 Annual Outing. The turnout was good and so was the weather. It's a great event to enjoy good food, catch up with old friends and meet new ones. In September, Local 41 held our Annual Charity Golf Outing benefiting Mercy Flight, raising more than $10,000. We also had a raffle for Buffalo Bills season tickets with the proceeds benefiting Roswell Park Cancer Institute. In October, Bus. Mgr. Anthony Coppola announced that he planned to resign at the end of the month due to upcoming surgery, recovery time and then retirement. We wish him well. In December, we held our Annual Children's Christmas Party. Bro. Jim Devany and his volunteers did a wonderful job decorating the hall and organizing the party. As we look ahead in 2011, we anticipate work to remain fairly good throughout the year. Look for upcoming events in our newsletters. |
Service to Community |
L.U. 43 (em,i&rts), SYRACUSE, NY—The last quarter of 2010 was a very good employment period for us. This was despite the fact that we had more than 72 inches of snowfall during a three week period in December. An early March refuel outage at Nine Mile Point should start the spring season and begin another good year for us. Throughout 2010, our first- and second-year apprentice classes involved themselves in a "labor of love." The first-year class collected donations and nonperishable foods for the Food Bank of Central New York. When they delivered the items to the Food Bank warehouse on Dec. 23, their donations totaled 1,695 pounds. Not to be outdone, when the second-year class finished with their bottle, can and donation drive, they had enough to purchase $2,350 in toys for seven Central New York area hospitals. The accompanying picture shows the gifts delivered to Golisano Children's Hospital in Syracuse. At the final drop-off, our apprentices had raised and distributed $5,000 in food, clothes and toys. We congratulate all of them for their great examples of brotherhood and community service, which exemplify what the IBEW is all about. |
![]() Local 43 members deliver holiday gifts to a children's hospital in Syracuse, NY. From left are: Local 43 members Nigel Holmes, Todd Durantini, Bill Towsley, Rick Geremski and Dan Mahar. Joining the group are Durantini's young son Todd and a hospital representative (at right). |
SDG&E Transmission Line |
L.U. 47 (lctt,mo,o,u &uow), DIAMOND BAR, CA—With St. Patrick's Day approaching, let's hope the "Luck of the Irish" improves the job picture for many IBEW members throughout the country. We ended 2010 with our Local 47 Annual Christmas Party. Work remains strong for our Outside Construction. The San Diego Gas & Electric Sunrise Transmission Line project broke ground in December. The 117-mile line runs between Imperial County and San Diego. It will create approximately 200 jobs. The project is being completed under a project labor agreement (PLA) with SDG&E and Local 47. Our roof-top solar PLA with Southern California Edison continues to provide work for our members and members of other IBEW locals in our area. A first ever three-year agreement with Mowbray Tree Service was ratified. The agreement includes significant wage increases, medical/dental and pension benefits, and took effect Jan. 1, 2011. A new one-year Underground Agreement was ratified. Our members at SCE received a scheduled 4 percent wage increase on Jan. 1. We mourn the passing of Leonard P. "Paul" Pippin, Doug Gotheridge and Martin Kozdrey IV. Our thoughts and prayers are with their families. Work safe, live well, work union. |
![]() Local 47 member Greg Fensterman, a cable splicer with SCE, receives the Jack K. Horton Award for his quick response as a Good Samaritan to aid victims of an accident at an off-road race in Lucerne Valley. |
Service Pins Awarded |
L.U. 51 (catv,lctt,o,rtb,t&u), SPRINGFIELD, IL—At the December 2010 unit meetings, Local 51 presented years-of-service pins to members. Receiving service pins at the Construction Unit meeting were: for five years of service—Steve Biesada, Josh Ceperich, Jeff Copper, Ashley Ray, George Roach, Brandon Roller, Charles Tiner and Paul Zigler. For 10 years' service—Tim Cart, Don Kacir, D.J. Kroeschel, Brad Moore and Duane Westhafer. Mark Runyon and Craig Sass received 15-year pins. Jason Carl, Craig Norvell and George Pence received 25-year pins. Jerry Bradshaw and Mike Bradshaw received 30-year pins. Julie Brandt and Ed Jeffery, 35-year pins; Billy Burnette, a 40-year pin; Gary Harris, a 50-year pin; Ray Darling, a 55-year pin; and William Pittman, a 60-year pin. Earl Bush from the Peoria, IL, Unit received a 55-year pin. Noble Collins from the Champaign, IL, Unit received a 50-year pin. Congratulations to all! In total, 451 members received service pins in 2010. Congratulations to Local 51 Sister Emily Green, an Ameren-Illinois Power employee, on completing the Senior Engineering Representative exam! Thanks to IBEW Local 51 component units and members for the generous support of charities and organizations that provided assistance for needy families during the recent holiday season. Local 51 wishes all IBEW members and their families a safe, prosperous 2011. |
![]() Local 51 retired members display service awards. From left: Ray Darling, William Pittman and Gary Harris. |
Welcome to New Members |
L.U. 53 (lctt,o,rts&u), KANSAS CITY, MO—At this writing, our outside construction is still slow and it doesn't appear there will be any big changes in the near future. We are in negotiations with our line clearance/tree trimming contractors, and as usual they are taking a tough stance. These members work very hard for the wages and benefits they receive and it is a constant battle to try to get their wage rates to where they should be. We settled agreements with two cooperatives. Bus. Rep. Dexter Drerup negotiated a three-year extension at Laclede Cooperative for a 3 percent wage increase the first year, 3.5 percent the second year and 3.5 percent the third year. Bus. Rep. Bruce VanCompernolle negotiated a five-year extension at West Central Cooperative for a 3.5 percent wage increase the first year and 3.75 percent each year thereafter. The good thing was we did not give anything up to get these settlements. Good job! We also ratified our first agreement with our newly organized group, Clean Coal Solutions Services, LLC. It is a five-year agreement and we feel a very good first agreement. The first year everyone received a $1 an hour wage increase, in the second year a 3.25 percent increase, third year 3.25 percent, fourth year 3.5 percent and fifth year 3.75 percent. Welcome to our new members at Clean Coal. Hopefully, the new year will bring more work to everyone. Remember, work safe, attend union meetings and get involved. |
Annual Trap Shoot |
L.U. 57 (lctt,mo,o,t&u) SALT LAKE CITY, UT—The Annual Local 57 Trap Shoot was held in November 2010. Participants and attendees had a great time. The 1st place award went to the team of Tom Baker, Jason Baker, Porter Baker, Drue Palmer and Eric Garcia. Eric and Tom took High Gun honors, Tom's being the Senior Division. Second place went to the team of Jesse Davis, Larry Walker, Brock Bateman, Tom West and Dustin Huntsman. Congratulations to both teams. Thanks to all who participated and also to the sponsors of this annual event. A Christmas surprise was delivered to a family in need in eastern Idaho. The employees of Rocky Mountain Power's Shelley District "adopted" a family of eight through the Salvation Army. The employees not only provided gifts and needed items for all six kids, but also provided a Wii gaming system for the whole family, dinner, and a nice gift card for the parents. A big thank-you goes to everyone for the support and generosity, which helped brighten a needy family's Christmas. |
Habitat for Humanity Project |
L.U. 103 (cs&i), BOSTON, MA—More than 30 Local 103 members, both apprentices and journeymen, recently wired our 12th Habitat for Humanity home on a chilly morning last December. Bus. Agent Lou Antonellis had no problem organizing volunteers for such a worthy cause. Our guys have been fantastic about helping with the volunteer effort on every home. The Local 103 electricians and technicians made quick work of it, rough wiring the three-bedroom home in less than four hours. This is the fourth of six homes we have wired for Habitat in Bedford, MA, and our 12th overall for the Greater Lowell and South Shore chapters. It's been a win-win for Local 103 and for Habitat. We are done well before noon and everyone can get back to their families and commitments while providing Habitat with a first-class electrical installation. Everyone enjoys the camaraderie and contributes their electrical expertise while showing younger members how to give back to the community—and that is what the IBEW and Local 103 are all about. To get more involved with Local 103 Habitat projects, contact the business manager's department at (617) 436-3710. |
![]() Boston Local 103 journeymen and apprentices gather to wire a Habitat for Humanity home. |
Swearing In Held |
L.U. 111 (em,govt,lctt,mt,o,rtb,spa&u), DENVER, CO—It was an honor to have Eighth District Int. Rep. Guy P. Runco present at the Executive Board meeting on Dec. 3, 2010, to swear in several newly appointed officers. Bro. Mike Kostelecky will fill the unexpired term as Local 111 president, and Bro. Pat Quinn will complete the term as recording secretary, replacing Mike in that post. Bro. Ron Geary was appointed to the vacant position on the Executive Board. Bro. Kostelecky is a lineman for Public Service Company of Colorado, working on the western slope. Mike has been a member in good standing since 1996. He has served on the Executive Board, as recording secretary and as a core member on the PSCo Injury Prevention Team; he holds safety rules and protections as his priority in keeping the members informed and safe. Bro. Quinn is a lead utility worker for PSCo and has been a member in good standing since 1992. He began his career in the construction unit and then moved to PSCo. Bro. Geary is a 20-year member working with Tri-State Generation & Transmission in Craig, CO. Ron previously served on the Executive Board and looks forward to serving the remaining term. He is an electrician specialist. |
![]() IBEW Int. Rep. Guy P. Runco (third from left) swears in Local 111 Rec. Sec. Pat Quinn (left) and Pres. Mike Kostelecky (second from left). At far right is Bus. Mgr./Fin. Sec. Michael Byrd. |
Pacific Power Negotiations |
L.U. 125 (lctt,o,t&u), PORTLAND, OR—As is often the case, cooperatives, municipalities and PUDs are watching the local's collective bargaining with Pacific Power. The company has made numerous proposals that will be detrimental to the membership, including moving to a 70/30 premium, which currently is unheard of in the industry. Members recognize that business operations will continue to change as employers try to weather the recession. However, it is important that employers balance those changes without putting unfair burden on employees. We are facing numerous challenges and need members to be educated with facts during these difficult times. Research your employers' costs and business objectives, so we can negotiate effectively to preserve our wages, hours, and working conditions. Talk to coworkers, family and neighbors. Issues such as increased medical premiums or unfavorable changes to retirement plans are not restricted to the utility industry. All members are encouraged to register for access to our Web site www.ibew125.com , so you can keep up to date with progress on not only Pacific Power but other negotiations as well. Educate yourself and be prepared to get involved. There will be sufficient opportunities for all members to help. Are you ready to step up? |
Thanks to Volunteers |
L.U. 141 (ees,i,o&u), WHEELING, WV—Work in the area is slow. Work is starting on an area hospital addition, also some work on coal mine sites and gas drilling sites. Hopes of converting a local power plant to biofuel were lost when the plant shut down instead of upgrading. We had a very successful 2010 Christmas parade season. Thanks to all who came out to support us. Special thanks to those who donated time to decorate and/or participate in the float's adventures this past holiday season. The social committee did it again by putting on another stellar Christmas party! Thank you, guys! Congratulations also to all service pin recipients. |
![]() Local 141 Bus. Mgr. John Clarke (right) congratulates 55-year service pin recipient Stan Jasinski. |
85th Anniversary Celebrated |
L.U. 145 (em,i,o,rts,spa&u), ROCK ISLAND, IL—Local 145 proudly celebrated its 85th anniversary at a dinner dance last October. More than 325 members and guests enjoyed an evening of great food and dancing. Longstanding members were recognized for their years of service to our industry as our Sixth District Int. Vice Pres. Lonnie R. Stephenson presented individuals with 50-, 55- and 60-year service pin awards. The Vietnam veterans traveling memorial, "The Moving Wall," made a stop within our jurisdiction. Members volunteered their skills to ensure the wall was illuminated for nighttime viewing, which allowed visitors to observe this stirring, inspiring tribute to those who made the ultimate sacrifice in Vietnam. Local 145 also notes some of the other volunteer projects undertaken by our members. These included installation of inside and outside holiday lighting at the Center for Active Seniors in Davenport, Iowa. Also, at Eagle Point Park in Clinton, Iowa, Local 145 members strung more than half a million lights along a 1.1 mile network of roads to celebrate the holidays for the annual "Symphony of Lights" display! Thank you, volunteers! We wish a happy, prosperous 2011 to all IBEW members. |
![]() Local 145 celebrates its 85th anniversary with a diner dance. From left, front row, are: Elwood "Odie" Marshall, Dick Gaskey, Harry Randall, Bill Teichman; middle row, David "Skip" Kapolka, Int. Vice Pres. Lonnie R. Stephenson, Arnie Koloc, Tom Stechalin, Bob Moellenbeck, Bus. Mgr. Scott Verschoore; and back row, Gus Tripilas, Ray Wells, Pres. Carlton Wills, Corky Pieper and Gary McMahill. |
Local Featured on IBEW Hour Power |
L.U. 191 (c,i,mo,rtb&st), EVERETT, WA--Congratulations to Local 191 and its members for their continued hard work. Local 191 is featured on IBEW Hour Power (www.ibewhourpower.com). The NEBF is funding jobs throughout the country with approximately $10 billion total in assets. They provide the financing with an agreement that the jobs are 100 percent union. The NEBF is paid back all funds with interest upon completion of a project. The media company (Oswego Creative) hired by the I.O. came to our local to interview the members and contractor about the program for a video to be presented on IBEW Hour Power. VECA Electric is the contractor on the IGC (Intergate Columbia) Mod 4 project. We are proud that this project is a Code of Excellence job. All the management and members went through the Code of Excellence class before beginning the job. We encourage members to get involved—whether by attending a union meeting, volunteering on a committee, or taking part in a community project. Education, communication and teamwork are keys to our success. The future of our local is in our hands. Let's be the ones to drive it. |
![]() IBEW members working with VECA Electric on the IGC Mod 4 project include, from left: Jerry Boyce, Justin Dugger, Jason Judd, Gary Kemp, Jim Hall, Jim Lester, Jonathan Ohlund, Gary Kilpatrick, Bill Mirand, R. John Montgomery, Dave Karp, Walter Parks, Roy Moon, Mike Blackburn, Mike Trout, Josh Suarez, Jerry Weaver, Randy Curry, Josh Kelly, Jimmy Ortega and Charles Moniz. |
Work Picture a Bit Brighter |
L.U. 193 (i,lctt,o,rts,spa&u), SPRINGFIELD, IL—Thanks again to all those who planned, attended, and received their years-of-service pins at the Local 193 Christmas party. It was a good time and well attended despite the frightful weather. The inside work scene is slow with 89 inside journeyman wiremen on Book I and 250 travelers on Book II. The work picture looks a little brighter for early 2011. The Dallman 3 Scrubber Project, the continuing work at the Springfield Sanitary District and the St. John's Hospital renovation should hopefully thin the numbers for local hands on Book I. The Illinois State Conference, whose chairman is Local 193 Bus. Mgr. Dave Burns, has been working tirelessly on the Tenaska Clean Energy Project. If passed in the Illinois state Senate, it would result in 10 million man-hours for central Illinois labor. Many additional peripheral jobs would be created such as the mining of Illinois coal. As we saw in 2010, elections are extremely important, and our business agent has a lot of persuasion when he can mention that Local 193 has "X" amount of registered voters. Remember the late mayor Richard Daley of Chicago: "If you don't vote, you don't count!" |
Report from Bloomington |
L.U. 197 (em&i), BLOOMINGTON, IL—Last December our local's annual Christmas party was enjoyed by all who shared in the festivities. Congratulations to members who received service pins at the party. Recipients included: for 10 years of service — Angie Miller; 15 years — Mikel Misch, Tom Peasley and Bernie Uszcienski; 20 years — Beth Sylvester; and 30 years—Greg Potter. Thanks to all who helped out setting up, organizing, and cleaning up after the party. At press time, a picket is set up at the corner of Veterans Pkwy. and Vernon St. at the construction site of the Vitamin Shoppe under way. Thanks to members who have walked picket thus far; you have braved the cold, snow and rain to stand up for fair wages and conditions. Rough weather won't stop the IBEW from standing up for what we believe in—organized jobs! As members, please do not patronize businesses that do not use our labor. For updates, please check the "do not patronize" list on the local's Web site www.ibew197.org. Thanks to the locals that are employing our members who are out of work locally. Remember to get involved with your local union and stay involved! |
![]() Local 197 members Mark Miszka and Dennis Nolan take a day off work to walk picket at the Vitamin Shoppe construction site. |
Informed & Involved |
L.U. 245 (govt,lctt,o,rtb&u), TOLEDO, OH—Greetings. Thank you to all members who collected for the Salvation Army during the winter holidays. We are always collecting nonperishable food, toiletries, clothing and children's toys for those in need. Today starts the new anti-union, anti-middle class and anti-working family agenda of newly elected representatives in Congress. We face a rough road for the next two years in the House of Representatives. Please watch what is going on in both the state and federal legislatures. Within the state, the labor family is in for a rough ride for the next four years. We will be the next target, after the public sector and teachers, of the new governor and the Ohio State House. We need to be more in tune with what is going on—and it probably would be a good idea if we change the radio station occasionally and get additional information from other sources. On a brighter note, work is picking up and we have several major projects that are either in the planning stages, or will start very soon. This is great news and we look forward to a brighter 2011 for our construction members. We wish you all a good year ahead. Please become more active in your union. Union meetings are the second Thursday of every month. We look forward to seeing you there. Please continue to work safely! |
![]() Local 245 retirees Andy Horvath (left) and Art LaLonde ring the bell for the Salvation Army holiday drive. |
Work Picture Looking Up |
L.U. 257 (em,i,rtb,rts,spa&t), JEFFERSON CITY, MO—Well, 2011 is looking up for the mid-Missouri Local 257 area with only a handful of members on the books. Work is fairly steady compared to the last few years and looking bright for the future in our area with a few big projects our contractors have received, and projects being bid. We are currently in negotiations for our inside wiremen. By the time this article is published, most of us should know the fate of our contract, but I will include in our next article the details of our new contract! We also are in negotiations with AZZ-Central Manufacturing. AZZ-Central manufactures large industrial switch gear. Good luck to all on our current and upcoming negotiations. Our condolences go out to families of members who passed away recently during 2010: Mitchell Berendsen, Sid Schaffer, Jerome Bax, Harold Rackers and Orval Lenger. Congratulations to our recent 2010 retired members: Rodney Henrey, David Cook, Larry Schubert, David A. Brunk, Ronald Holzhauser, Thomas Oligschlaeger, Danny Thomas, Donald Mattingly, Daniel Lindenbusch, Andrew Turner, James H. Nevins Jr., Billie Pritzel, Richard Smith, Gregory Woods and Dale Adams. Support your local unions, so we can keep our unions strong! |
Family Holiday Celebrations |
L.U. 269 (i&o), TRENTON, NJ—After a nearly 40-year vacation, Santa returned to Local 269 last December. An ornate red chair, a spunky elf and jolly Saint Nick himself set the stage for Local 269's first Family Christmas Nights in many years. Bus. Mgr. Steve Aldrich was the sponsor as well as producer of the 2010 event. Members' children and grandchildren came to the union hall to tell Santa their Christmas wishes. Bro. Sean Cullen played Santa and Bro. Ed Stackhouse played Santa's helper elf. The children received two presents each, as well as a special winter knit hat with the IBEW logo. Each family received a free 5" x 7" picture. The children displayed their holiday spirit as they colored holiday pictures on murals hung inside the meeting hall. Approximately 180 children participated along with their families. We plan to make this an annual event to bring the Christmas spirit to even more members' families next season. Special thanks to Tracy Warney, Rachel Chamberlain, Terri Nagel and Tara Monte, who donated their time to make this event so successful. |
![]() Attending a Local 269 family Christmas celebration are, from left: baby Emily Hullfish (daughter of Sister Billie Hullfish and Bro. Mathew Hullfish); Bro. Sean Cullen as Santa; and, as Santa's helper, Bro. Ed Stackhouse. |
Contract Agreements |
L.U. 309 (i,lctt,mo,mt,o,rts,spa&u), COLLINSVILLE, IL—The year 2010 ended with numerous agreements being settled. Contracts bargained were Outside Line Construction, Nelson Tree, Meter Reading, A&A Drilling, Cerro Copper, In-Land Technologies, and the Residential agreement. The work picture on the Inside Branch remained stagnant for almost all of 2010. Work for the Outside Line suffered layoffs at the end of the year but the outlook is promising. Through the collective efforts of our generous members and Bro. Ron Scott's idea to hold a raffle, our Distressed Member Fund is no longer depleted. We lost one of our office staff through retirement in February. Judy Baczewski began working here in 1996 and will be greatly missed. Local 309 and all our members wish her a long, happy retirement. Remember to work safe and have a great 2011. |
Community Activities |
L.U. 347 (em,i,mt,rtb,rts&spa), DES MOINES, IA—Local 347, like many other entities, gets involved in community activities during the month of December. In 2010, Barb Mentzer spearheaded the Local 347 children's Christmas party. Joe Rivas and Rod Olson worked countless hours on improvements and connections for the annual Make a Wish Jolly Holiday Lights display. The local also promoted the Toys for Tots program in the central Iowa area. All the brothers and sisters who joined these and other volunteer projects are commended. These projects are the highest order of community outreach in which we can be involved. A Pin Party/Recognition Night is scheduled for Saturday, March 5. Five 60-year pins and ten 55-year pins are to be awarded! Also, in the planning stages is a golf outing for this summer. Stay tuned. |
Union Events a Success |
L.U. 349 (em,i,mps,rtb,spa&u), MIAMI, FL—We held our 2010 annual picnic in October. Nearly 500 members and family turned out for great food, refreshments and good fun. For the Friends of Labor luncheon last December, approximately 400 friends attended for a great lunch and socializing. Also in December at the Children's Christmas Party, toys and prizes were given away. Hams and turkeys were given to the members at the party. Santa did a great job as always. Special thanks to Pres. David Karcher and the Entertainment Committee for setting up the Santa house and decorations for the Christmas party— and also for planning and setting up all the events the union hall holds each year. We thank all the members, their families and everyone involved who helped with events for a great job once again. Local 349 officers and staff wish everyone a good year ahead. Here's hoping this year will be a better working year for all. Remember our troops here and overseas. We hope for a safe return home for all. An informed membership is a strong membership. Attend union meetings to stay informed and make your local strong. |
2010 Graduation Ceremony |
L.U. 351 (c,cs,i,it,lctt,mt,o,se,spa&t), FOLSOM, NJ—Congratulations to our graduating class of 2010. A graduation dinner and award ceremony was held Nov. 20, 2010, at Bally's Hotel & Casino in Atlantic City. Graduating from our Inside Electrical program were: Edwin F. Alicea, Jay H. Ball Jr., Matthew R. Becker, Joseph Beltran, Joseph A. Cinalli, Sean R. Cowan, Steven P. Cunniff, Nicholas R. Dimatteo, Samuel Dimeo, Natalia M. Fritchman, Frank A. Hinds, Matthew S. Judge, Kevin P. Kilroy, Nicholas J. Levinson, Kevin T. Martinelli, Joseph J. McCrane, Nicholas Melchiorre, Casey P. Murphy, Giantonio Nistico, Edward H. Owens IV, John C. Parks, Albert M. Patroni, Kevin G. Pettit, William E. Pizzuto, Edward J. Postalwaite, Robert J. Powell, Bryon D. Powell Jr., Frank D. Quinton, Thomas J. Russo, Nicholas F. Samartino, Jason J. Silk, Nakia J. Simmons and Thomas F. Zane. Graduating from our Telecommunications program were: Josh E. Banning and Robert A. Turner III. The outstanding apprentice award went to Kevin Kilroy and William E. Pizzuto. Perfect attendance award recipients were: Kevin Kilroy, Willilam E. Pizzuto, Giantonio Nistico, Nicholas Melchiorre and Nicolas Samartino. |
![]() Local 351's graduating apprentice class of 2010 gathers for a group photo, joined by Bus. Mgr. Edward Gant (standing, front row, at left) and Pres. William Hosey (standing, front row, at right). |
Service Awards Presented |
L.U. 357 (c,i,mt&se), LAS VEGAS, NV—As Local 357 embarks on its 80th anniversary, we look forward to being a driving force in green energy and infrastructure. On Dec. 9, 2010, at the Retirees Christmas Party, the local recognized those who have guided and grown our local to what it is today. Bus. Mgr. David Jones presented service awards as follows: For 40 years of service— Alan Fogg, Darrel Fogg and Phillip Frank; for 45 years— James Maguire and James Sanderson; 50 years—Gerald Conger, Robert Harrison, Paul Hawkins, Rodger Herman, Paul Hurst, John Jeffery, William Lambert, Lowman Latta, George McDonald, John Robertson, Earl Smith Jr., Boyd Toliver, Orville Williams and George Wooten; 55 years—Arthur Avant, James Bledsoe, Gilbert Firmenich, Hugh Jenkins, Richard Koeb, Robert Price Jr., Richard Pullan, Charles Scott, Russel Scott, Jaye Sharp Jr., Earl Sheff, Charles Taney Jr., Gordon Wood, Charles Yates and Richard Zeiter; 60 years— John Cotton, William Ellis, Fred Lucas, Robert Procter and Doyen Smith; and for 65 years—Jack Harrity. Special thanks to all the members for their dedicated service to Local 357. |
![]() Local 357 Bus. Mgr. David Jones (standing, far right) congratulates service award recipients. |
‘Get Involved in 2011' |
L.U. 359 (u), MIAMI, FL—Thanks to all members who were active in the 2010 midterm elections. Our efforts were extensive with much enthusiasm by members on the long drives and door knocking campaigns. It wasn't all in vain, as we did get some friends of labor elected in the state and elsewhere. The nuclear apprentices are progressing well. We have many talented members who are instructors at the nuclear site and put in a lot of time in developing material, along with the college, to get these future plant workers trained in their career field. Congratulations to all those union workers who are involved as instructors, not only at the nuclear site but also those throughout the area who train apprentice linemen, cable splicers, meter readers, etc. May 2011 see a new thrust in training those who will succeed us. We are pushing the company to understand why there is a need to train future workers. The officers also commend the work of our members on the property of the Florida Power & Light Company, the City of Homestead and Lake Worth. Remember to work by the rules and be safe. Local 259 extends condolences to the family of Bro. Brian Biers, who was fatality injured in a traffic accident. He is missed by all. Work safe and attend union meetings. |
Award Recipients Honored |
L.U. 375 (catv,ees&i), ALLENTOWN, PA—Local 375 held its annual Christmas party on Dec. 12 last year. The 77 children and their families attending enjoyed a visit from Santa, who heard each child's "want list." A magic show opened the afternoon's festivities and was enjoyed by all. We thank the hall's office staff and everyone who helped with this memorable event for the children. At the November membership meeting, several brothers were recognized for 35 years of service to Local 375 and to our local community: Paul Breininger, Milt Hilmer, Frank Horvath, Don Kernechel, Dave Kocis, Chris Makovsky, John Netwall, Craig Siegfried and Steve Vuchak. Also, two members were recognized for their retirement: Bros. Ralph Freed and Ron Smolko. With great sadness we announce the passing of Bro. Ronald Lavoie Jr. He was involved in a work related industrial accident at Calpine's Bethlehem Energy Center. Local 375 extends our deepest condolences to his family. We also mourn the loss of brothers who passed away in 2010: Barry Beil, Augie Duran, Dave Link, Tim Link, Aden Meyers Jr., Stanley Parks, Raymond Schaffer Jr. and Michael Stover. |
![]() Local 375 honors 35-year service award recipients and recent retirees at November 2010 meeting. From left, front row, are: Chris Makovsky, Bus. Mgr. Brett Helfrich, Paul Breininger, Milt Hilmer, Pres. David Reichard; back row, Frank Horvath, John Netwall, Don Kernechel, Steve Vuchak, Ron Smolko (retiree), and Craig Siegfried. Not pictured are 35-year award recipient Dave Kocis and retiree Ralph Freed. |
Habitat for Humanity Project |
L.U. 379 (i,o&rtb), CHARLOTTE, NC—On Dec. 4, 2010, Local 379 began its journey in helping others in our community by starting our first project with Habitat for Humanity in Charlotte. Volunteers Tommy Hill, Tom Beamon, Chris Wegener, Gegory Lavrik, Mike Hill and Jersey Mike all worked together to complete a small repair project. It took about four hours, and in the process they replaced some old, broken outlets with new GFCI (ground fault circuit interrupter), added smoke detectors, replaced some broken conduits and added outdoor GFCI to help update this house to National Electrical Code standards. Also involved in this project were Tommy George, Adrian Beck, Matt Ruff and John Bartlet, who went to this house on an earlier date and made the list of what needed to be fixed. We thank all who helped and we look forward to our next project with Habitat, continuing to build our outreach programs. We also had a successful Salt class, and a great Comet class with the first-year apprenticeship. Also, we congratulate Bro. Scott Thrower for receiving the 2010 Brotherhood of the Year award. |
![]() Among the Local 379 Habitat for Humanity volunteers are, from left: Greg Lavrik, Jersey Mike, Chris Wegner, Tom Beamon, Mike Hill and Tommy Hill. |
Work Opportunities Improve |
L.U. 429 (em,i,lctt,o,ptc,rtb&u), NASHVILLE, TN—Our work this year should improve to the point that we will need traveling brothers and sisters for the inside and outside work at the new Nashville Convention Center and the $1 billion Hemlock Semiconductor Corp. plant project. We are grateful to all the locals that have worked our membership during these hard times and hope we can repay the brotherhood once again by working travelers by late spring. There will be a need for a lot of linemen from time to time at the Hemlock construction project. The plant will produce materials used to build solar panels. Thanks to all who helped make our Christmas float a big success in the 2010 Nashville Christmas parade. The retirees' breakfast was very enjoyable; thanks to all who participated. Thanks also to everyone who attended the local's membership Christmas party, which was a hit. Local 429 and Nashville will make a comeback after the challenges we've faced following the flood and other concerns about the loss of some large employers. It has been and will continue to be an uphill challenge for our membership and contractors, but by sticking together we will prevail. Please attend our union meetings on the first and third Mondays of each month. Support each other and our local union. |
New Projects Underway |
L.U. 441 (as,i&rts), SANTA ANA, CA—Despite these tough economic times, one area in our local has recently seen a surge in work. With four major projects in the city of Anaheim, approximately 325 of our members have enjoyed steady employment for several months and will hopefully remain employed through 2011. One of our employers, Morrow Meadows, has two of the major projects. One is a 450 megawatt cogeneration power plant, which should be online toward the end of this year. Another project is a new six-floor hospital for Kaiser Permanente. The new Kaiser facility will also include a six-floor hospital support building, a seven-story parking structure, and a generating plant on site for the entire facility. Both projects are being constructed under project labor agreements. Saco Electric is employing members at Disneyland for a new themed section at the park, Cars Land, which is slated to open in early 2012. Mass Electric and Steiny Co. have been hard at work with approximately 60 members working on the railroad, performing a total modification of the Metrolink rail line. Even with these projects, we hope to see wider improvement in our work picture in 2011. |
![]() IBEW Local 441 members display union banner at Kaiser Permanente Hospital construction jobsite in Anaheim, CA. Morrow Meadows is the electrical contractor on the project. |
Great Work Picture |
L.U. 449 (catv,em,i,o,rtb,rts,spa&u), POCATELLO, ID—At the end of 2010 we conducted a Holiday Donation Drive, where our members volunteered to man the LMCC Trailer and hand out hot chocolate and coffee to anyone who gave a donation. All the items collected went to the charity in the town where the items were raised. The trailer we use was built by the Labor Management Cooperation Committee for solar training and for different events to get our name out to the public. We also formed a club called 449 Ladies Auxiliary. The club is designed to educate members' families about why it is important to be union and to teach labor history, since it is not being taught in the schools anymore; we hope that people will pass on the information and teach their children. The club will also let our members' spouses get acquainted. We have been very lucky with the work in our local this year; our future work picture looks great as we a have a couple of bigger projects coming and will pick up some of the smaller ones also. I thank all those who helped us staff our work. |
![]() Local 449 members staffed the LMCC Trailer to conduct a Holiday Donation Drive benefiting area charities. |
‘Giving Back' to Community |
L.U. 453 (govt,i,rtb,rts&spa), SPRINGFIELD, MO—As the 2010 holiday season came and went, our local union and its members donated time and money to good causes with a monetary donation to the Victory Mission at the area Kum & Go convenience store. Many apprentices and journeymen participated in bell ringing for the Salvation Army at the Battlefield Mall. Thank you to all who gave of their time. Local union meetings are held the second Thursday of each month at 6:30 p.m. Please try to attend. |
![]() Local 453 apprentices Zach Hohlt (left) and Channing Black (right) ring the bell for the Salvation Army. They are joined by young Trystan Black, along for moral support. |
Bus. Mgr. Krause Retires |
L.U. 499 (u), DES MOINES, IA—Bus. Mgr. Don Krause retired Jan. 1, after serving as a full-time union officer for the past 21 years. He previously served as steward, chief steward, treasurer, president and business representative; he also served on the Negotiating Committees since 1984. At his last E-Board meeting, Bro. Krause was presented with a trip to Hawaii from the membership. He was extremely moved by the support he received from local union members. Also, at the December 2010 meeting of the Iowa Utility Conference, members of the Nebraska Utility Conference awarded Don with the Noland Award, "In Recognition of Outstanding Service and Leadership Within the Labor Movement in the State of Nebraska." Since Local 499 is located in Iowa, this was a very special award for Bro. Krause. Don was also given a beautiful plaque from the IBEW for his years of service at the InterUnion Gas Conference. This was done at the conference last September. Working with all the Internationals at the Gas Conference is something Don loved, and he will be missed in the distribution workshop. Randy Phillips was appointed business manager to fill the remainder of Don's unexpired term. Elections will take place this summer. |
![]() Local 499 then-Bus. Mgr. Don Krause receives the Noland Award at December 2010 conference. |
Solar Photovoltaic Project |
L.U. 551 (c,i&st), SANTA ROSA, CA—Another photovoltaic project is underway in our local. Any job right now is welcomed news, but renewable energy work is a bonus. Cupertino Electric is not only the subcontractor but the general contractor as well on this school project, says foreman Josh Evangelo. He also reported that landing jobs as the general contractor is a trend Cupertino Electric plans to move forward with. Casa Grande High School as well as Petaluma High, both in Petaluma, CA, are being retrofitted with just over 1 megawatt of power combined. These schools will have canopies built on their parking structures, which will not only provide shaded parking but also will reduce electricity cost to the schools by more than $200,000 per year over the next five years; the project is projected to produce savings of more than $6,000,000 over the next 25 years. Local 551 has classes on design and installation of PV systems. This class is free to any IBEW member. For more information call the union hall at (707) 542-3505. The work picture is still slow, but with the election of Gov. Jerry Brown to lead our fine state we are hopeful to see that picture turn around. |
![]() Santa Rosa, CA, Local 551 members working with Cupertino Electric installed solar photovoltaic projects at two area high schools. |
Funding for Retrofit Lighting |
L.U. 553 (i,mt,o&ws), RALEIGH, NC—The nuclear powerhouse Sharon Harris had a layoff and Saint Gobain glass plant has a shutdown for a new line, which has just started hiring for the new year. The glass plant will hire approximately 10 local members for the new line replacement. With weather breaking, maybe the work will be prosperous this year. Especially significant is that stimulus funding is coming in to the area for retrofit lighting. Raleigh has a change in the air with retrofit lighting and the green technology coming to North Carolina. A few members of Local 553 were fortunate to work on a 1 megawatt photovoltaic system project in Murphy, N.C.—in the jurisdiction of Ashville, NC, Local 238. [See photo, shot at the Local 238 solar project jobsite.] Solar photovoltaic power is a technology of the electrical industry that the IBEW is increasingly harnessing around the country. |
![]() Local 553 members David Ingram (left) and Mike Duckworth (second from left) join Local 238 job steward Perry W. Ledbetter at the jobsite of Local 238's photovoltaic project. |
New Year, New Leadership |
L.U. 557 (i,mt,rts&spa), SAGINAW, MI—2011 marks the beginning of the first full year in office for our local's newly elected officers. Sweeping changes were made across the board in our 2010 elections. Since our last article, we have sworn in a new business manager. Bus. Mgr. David Small has been entrusted to guide our local into the next challenging decade. We know David will do an outstanding job, as he has demonstrated during his first months in office. We also thank Robert Orr for the fine job he did while serving as business manager. Also newly elected are: Pres. Russell Combs, Vice Pres. Mark Krieger, Treas. Paul Dupuis Jr., Sec. Evan Allardyce; Executive Board members John Hagarty, Josh Iles, Bill Link Jr., Chris Nickodemus, Robb Stanick and Rob White; Examining Board members Joe Eickholt, Randy Halas and Bill Miner. The state of Michigan has a new governor for the first time in eight years. Although the midterm elections were not as favorable as we would have liked, we must strive to make the best of things. 2011 will be an important year for our local, our state and our whole country. We must all try to unite to pull ourselves out of the economic crunch and look forward to better days ahead. |
Event & Fellowship Cte. |
L.U. 573 (as&i), WARREN, OH—Our newly formed Event & Fellowship Committee held a "Santa party" last year at the hall for our members with young children. The party included crafts for the kids, door prizes and a special visit from Santa and his elves, who brought goodie bags for all the children. We thank committee members for all their hard work and we extend a special thank-you to Pres. Kevin Miller and Bus. Mgr. Jack Morse for embracing the spirit of the holidays and agreeing to play the roles of Santa and head elf. The party was a great success and we hope to make it an annual tradition. Local 573 wishes all union brothers and sisters a happy and prosperous year ahead! |
Spring Work Picture Improves |
L.U. 601 (i&rtb), CHAMPAIGN-URBANA, IL—The books in Local 601 are looking better with 38 on Book I, 355 on Book II and no apprentices out of work, thanks mostly to the shutdown at LaSalle Nuclear Powerhouse. The local has more than 40 hands at the powerhouse now and it should top out at approximately 90 electricians. Spring looks better for the local with a few projects at the University of Illinois and Carle Hospital. Five wind farms should be starting in the spring. Even with this work we do not anticipate getting into book II. Now that the 2010 elections are over, we as union members still need to keep informed on what legislation is coming up for a vote and how our elected public officials are voting both locally and nationally. It is important that we inform our legislators on how we want them to vote. At our local's annual Christmas party last year, the turnout was great. It was a good time for all who attended. We thank the people who helped to put on a great party. |
Photovoltaic Installation |
L.U. 611 (catv,es,govt,i,lctt,o,spa,t&u), ALBUQUERQUE, NM—A 15-kilowatt system was recently installed on the roof of our local union hall. All the panels installed were IBEW made and purchased from a factory in Nashville, TN. The initial investment will be well worth it in the end. The project was done by union contractor US Electric and took approximately 12 days to complete. Thanks, guys; you did a great job. Brian Condit has joined our staff after working for eight years as chief of staff for then-governor Bill Richardson. As a one-time assistant and organizer, Brian brings experience and leadership and will be a benefit to our local. Welcome aboard, Brian. I hope everyone has a good year ahead. This year, make a commitment to attend at least four union meetings. Meetings are held the third Saturday of each month at 10 a.m. Local 611 extends condolences to families of our members who recently passed away: Raymond Montes, Walter D. Gentry, Buford B. Staggs, Merle O. Clark, Gordon K. Dawson, William D. Ohr and Gilbert Mascarenas. |
![]() Among Local 611 members working with US Electric to install solar array at the union hall are: John Marshall, Rudy Hernandez and Alfred Abeyta. |
‘Red Seal' Certification |
L.U. 625 (ees,em,i,mar&mt), HALIFAX, NOVA SCOTIA, CANADA—It is with sad regret that I report the passing of retired sister Belva Raymond on Dec. 19, 2010. Belva was office administrator for Local 625 for 24 years, from 1973–'97. She worked with the local's first three business managers: Bros. Len Dunn, Chester Rice and Fernand Tardif. On behalf of all members, officers and staff, I extend our condolences to Bro. Garry Gaul and the rest of Belva's family. Bro. Gary Adams retired from the local in Novem-ber 2010. Congratulations and good luck to you, Gary. Bros. Nolan MacDonald and Stephen Rogers achieved Journeyman Construction Electrician Red Seal status in December 2010. Congratulations, brothers, and have a long, safe and rewarding career. The work picture is very good in Unit #2—Five Eastern Counties, with 70 members at the Truro Hospital and work at Michelin Tire, the Daewoo Wind Turbine Plant and ongoing wind farm installations. Unit #5 is still busy with several commercial projects. Unit #1, Halifax, is slow presently and Units #3 and #4 are very slow. Thank you to Regina Local 2038 for the calls to the Co-op Refinery and Rocanville Potash. |
![]() Local 625 service pins awarded at the December 2010 Unit 1 meeting went to: Brendan Eisan with 15 years of service; Dwayne Armsworthy, 30 years' service; Rick Morrison, 35 years; Francis Mannette and Joe Comeau, 25 years; and Eric White, 35 years of service. |
Refueling Outage Scheduled |
L.U. 639 (i&rts), SAN LUIS OBISPO, CA—On Dec. 4 last year, Local 639 retirees, active and apprentice members held the Head Start Christmas party. This annual event is for disadvantaged children throughout San Luis Obispo County. Thank you to everyone who helped put smiles on the children's faces. Our Christmas party held Dec. 18 at the Fairways at Dairy Creek was also a great success. Everyone enjoyed the company, the dinner and raffles. The hole dug during the eight years of the Bush administration has impacted each of us personally and professionally and is extremely deep. It has taken the Obama administration two years building a ladder to get working families out of the trench. Although some are beginning to climb the ladder out into the light once again, we need to remember that there are many more families in the darkness of the Bush trench looking for that ladder to climb out. A refueling outage is scheduled at Diablo Canyon in the spring. For updates, check our Web site at www.ibew639.org. Remember that solidarity means together we bargain, divided we beg. All of us at Local 639 wish all members and their families a good year ahead. |
Charter Party Celebration |
L.U. 673 (catv,i,rts,spa,t&u), PAINESVILLE, OH—Local 673 had its 80th Anniversary Charter Party on Dec. 4 last year at Casa Di Borally's Party Center. We had music, dancing, food and drink and everyone had a good time. Local 673 member Sgt. 1st Class John Rusnak, who just returned home from a year in Afghanistan, attended the party. John presented to Local 673 an American flag along with a framed picture and a caption that read: "Let it be Known this day, 22 September 2010, this American Flag flew over the skies of Sather Air Base, Baghdad, Iraq during Operation New Dawn in honor of Local 673 On Behalf of SFC John D. Rusnak, In Support of America's War on Terrorism During Operation Iraqi Freedom and Operation New Dawn." Every year at this party we present years-of-service pins and watches to members and retirees, as well as journeyman wireman certificates to the graduating apprentices. Local 673 JATC also presented to each apprentice with the highest grade point average in their class a check to pay for their next year's books. The 1st year recipient was Jared Frabotta; 2nd year—Dave Gaeta; 3rd year—Ryan Goss; 4th year—James Robinette Jr.; and 5th year—William McPeak. Remember to check our Web site www.ibew673.org for upcoming events. |
![]() Local 673 officers gather to present service pins and awards at the 80th Anniversary Charter Party. From left are: Treas. Craig Egeland, Vice Pres. Joe Gamiere, Bus. Mgr. Dave Thomas, Pres. Bob Gamiere, Rec. Sec. Gretchen Slother, and Executive Board members Mike Kubacki and Rory Breedlove. |
Events Update |
L.U. 683 (em&i), COLUMBUS, OH—Local 683 member Jack Cantley is shown in the accompanying photo pursuing his wood carving hobby. This sculpture project, for a local chiropractor's office, was done with a chain saw. A 22-year member, Jack has been carving wood projects for 30-plus years. The spine carving took him nearly 75 hours to complete, including painting and sealing of the project. Amazing work. Local news: The One New Toy project was held Dec. 18, 2010, to help union members for the holidays. The Christmas party/union meeting on Dec. 9 was well attended; the food was catered by O'Dea's Catering, run by a local member and his wife. Thanks for the good food. The Friends of Labor luncheon was Dec.15. This luncheon was held as a thank-you to many of our local supporters. Retirees held their Christmas luncheon Dec. 4; officers appreciated the invitation. We extend condolences to the families of our recently deceased members: Earl M. French, Gordon R. Stevens, Edward E. Marshall, Donald D. Weaver, David B. Grosvenor and Robert C. Cloud. |
![]() Local 683 member Jack Cantley carves a wood sculpture project. |
Solar System Installed |
L.U. 773 (as,em,i,mo&o), WINDSOR, ONTARIO, CANADA—Welcome home to Bro. Roger Miner, who returned from active combat duty in the Canadian military serving in Afghanistan. IBEW members and Canadians thank you for your service. Local 773 installed a 10 kW, Meca sun tracking solar panel system in front of our Training Center. We are proud to have an IBEW union contractor, Gil and Sons, perform the work, as G&S is a distributor and fabricator of the Meca system. We installed IBEW made Sharp 235-watt solar panels on this unit. With this large solar installation located in the front yard of our Training Center, it shows everyone that IBEW Local 773 is in the solar business. More than 100 of our members have taken the solar training course. At press time, our night school program for our apprentices is nearly complete for this year and our fifth-term apprentices will soon be writing for their electrical licenses. Good luck to all! Again we thank all the IBEW locals across Canada for putting Local 773 members to work. It is very much appreciated. We have the trained personnel to do the job right the first time. |
Continued Downsizing … |
L.U. 827 (catv&t), EAST WINDSOR, NJ—Recently, the IBEW and the CWA met with Avaya Inc. concerning the future of our IBEW technicians employed there. Avaya went to a "business partner" model over the last five years and the number of IBEW technicians has been drastically reduced. At the meeting the company said all the right things concerning work coming back into the bargaining unit, especially with the acquisition of Nortel. Time will tell. In 2000 we had more than 500 technicians in New Jersey. In 2011, we have fewer than 30 technicians. In New Jersey, Local 827 represents employees of "Legacy AT&T." A few years ago SBC bought AT&T and kept the AT&T name for branding purposes. The legacy employees are those from the original company. During the last negotiations much of the legacy AT&T contract was melded into the SBC contract in Illinois. Some of the major changes were in the grievance procedure, vacations and medical benefits. As this article is being written, AT&T announced a surplus of more than 800 employees nationwide. The impact in New Jersey will total 10, affecting supplies coordinators, service center clerks-data, and customer engineers. |
Contract Agreements |
L.U. 915 (i&mt), TAMPA, FL—We settled our contract negotiations for both our inside and maintenance working agreements. In this tough economy it is reassuring that we were able to continue our current inside contract as well as our maintenance agreement with Derby Lane, now called St. Pete Kennel Club. Our first maintenance contract with Derby Lane was negotiated in 2009 for Local 915 members. The relationship with management has been very cooperative and is due to the relationship that was developed by our members who work daily to keep the racetrack running smoothly. It is the oldest greyhound track in the country and known as one of the best maintained. It is open year round and also features a state-of-the-art card room. All had a great time at our 4th annual Christmas party. It was well attended and even included a visit from Santa, played by Bro. Don Canty. Special thanks to Bro. Roberto Rosa, who has chaired this event from the beginning, and to all who work tirelessly to make the party a special time for members and their families. |
![]() Local 915 Bus. Mgr. William Dever (left) joins foreman Jim Lyle (right) and Derby Lane representative Larry Streur (center) at the Derby Lane facility. |
Contract Negotiations |
L.U. 965 (em,govt,ptc&u), MADISON, WI—The local's work on contract negotiations is heating up. Contracts between the local and Stoughton Utilities, and between the local and Central Wisconsin Electric Cooperative, were completed late in 2010. Stoughton Utilities is a new addition to the local. Another new work group to choose union representation with this local is the support staff for the Beloit School System. These newly represented groups demonstrate one again that when workers are given a fair choice, they will choose to "live better" with union representation. Negotiations with the local's largest employer, Alliant Energy, Wisconsin Power & Light Company, begin this spring. Surveys were sent out to affected members of the local last fall. The surveys provide the membership with an opportunity to communicate their concerns and give the Negotiating Committee insight into the priorities that the rank and file place on issues such as health care, wages, retiree issues, job security and working conditions, to name just a few. As always, member participation is critical for successful negotiations. By late December 2010, more than 50 percent of the surveys had been returned to the local with feedback for the Negotiating Committee. The current contract with Alliant Energy expires at the end of May 2011. |
Busy & Exciting Years |
L.U. 1049 (lctt,o,u&uow), LONG ISLAND, NY—2010 ended just as busily as it began. On behalf of our members, Bus. Mgr. Robert Shand and the main negotiating committees negotiated six collective bargaining agreements. With our added abilities to communicate, the IBEW 1049 union hall has become a consistent destination for labor unions on Long Island. After many years of tireless effort and lobbying, we succeeded in getting the "Call Center Bill" signed and enacted into law. This year promises to be just as exciting. In the first half of the year, we will hold elections for all elected positions, including delegates to the convention. We will also negotiate new contracts for our members who work under our Gas and NECA Agreements. We continue to support the Long Island Power Authority in all of its endeavors and we are closely monitoring the awarding of the Maintenance Services Agreement. We bid farewell to Vice Pres. Bob Delaney and Bus. Rep. Robert Podlaski. These two individuals have a combined total of more than 70 years of tireless, dedicated service to the IBEW and the labor movement. There is not room to list all of their accomplishments and achievements. They will be sorely missed. On behalf of Bus. Mgr. Shand, the business staff, officers, Executive Board and the membership, I wish Robert and Bob all the best in retirement. |
‘On Target for a Good Future' |
L.U. 1245 (catv,em,govt,lctt,o,pet,t&u), VACAVILLE, CA—The local union gave IBEW Int. Pres. Edwin D. Hill a tour of union jobsites during a visit to the San Francisco Bay area. Pres. Hill met with members of the PG&E's clerical bargaining unit, followed by a meeting with PG&E's top brass to discuss the IBEW's Code of Excellence. Near Milpitas, he watched an IBEW tower crew from PAR Electric harness up and catch a lift to the tower via helicopter longline. Watch the video by searching "Beats Climbing" on YouTube. Pres. Hill congratulated IBEW's San Bruno gas explosion first responders for their heroic efforts last September in shutting off the gas transmission line that was feeding the conflagration, and for quickly restoring service where possible. Pres. Hill reviewed the first presentation of the local's new Lineman-to-Lineman Safety Program, which is the local's response to a rash of fatalities and serious accidents in recent years. The program encourages linemen to practice safety awareness at all times. Pres. Hill also visited a pole replacement job featuring IBEW crews from Rosendin Electric and Reliance Engineering. "I've been around some of the members today and the things they're doing are right on target," he said. "We've got a good future ahead of us." In other news, the local successfully petitioned the Public Utilities Commission of Nevada to open an investigation into staffing shortages at NV Energy. |
![]() Int. Pres. Edwin D. Hill (center) joined Local 1245 Bus. Mgr. Tom Dalzell, (left, facing forward) in visiting members from PAR Electrical Contractors. The members, performing tower work near Milpitas, CA, were "long lined" to the towers by helicopter. |
2010: A Great Year for Local |
L.U. 1249 (catv,lctt,o,t&u), SYRACUSE, NY—The year 2010 was one for the record books for Local 1249, with employment at an all-time high and a record amount of man-hours logged. As of December, the local had 850 A chapter members working with approximately 350 travelers. The Tree chapter had 1,200 members working. Usually unheard of at that time of year! The local also had a record, or near-record, number of graduating apprentices, 39 in all. They are: Brody Barnum, Sean Bedard, Jakob Bonker, Jason Boyd, Brian Colvin, Ryan Crandall, Seth Crossett, Rory Deforrest, Joseph Devoe, Steven Dunbar, Jeffery Farrar, Martin Fidler, Jory Fowler, Dustin Goodfriend, James Goult, Kevin Gray, Dustin Hazelton, Zachary Henderson, Nichlolas Insogna, Casey Kelly, Kip Kramer, Richard Kroll, James Matthews, Joshua McHugh, Nicholas Muck, Michael Muth, Anthony Nelson, Joseph Orr, Michael Perkins, Paul Race, Christopher Raczka, Larry Randall, Steven Rippey, Donald Shutter, Raymond Stevens, Adam Treat, Jedidah Wall, John Wall and Robert Zollinger. Congratulation to all. The local currently has 156 apprentices. We all bid so-long to Harry Saville. After 50 years of service, our former referral manager retired in August. Best wishes, Harry, and thank you for all the knowledge. |
Training Sessions |
L.U. 1253 (i), AUGUSTA, ME—Plaques for 55 years of service were presented in November 2010 to several retired members: Thomas Coady, Norman F. Doiron, Norman Mylen, David Trider and Alan Webb. A 55-year plaque was awarded posthumously to the late Bro. Frank Lockhard. Congratulations and thanks, brothers, for your many years of dedicated service! Three signatory contractors and a number of members participated in Electrical Project Supervisor II training last December. Thanks to contractors E.S. Boulos, Sullivan and Merritt, and Three Phase; and congratulations to the members who successfully completed this portion of Foreman Training. At press time, the Augusta JATC was scheduled to provide a live 15-hour 2011 Code update class on Jan. 22 and 23 at United Technology Center in Bangor, ME, open to all who work in the trade. We're sorry to report the deaths of retired members Dave Hinckley and Neil Roberts. We extend our sincere sympathy to their families. Politics is for all of us. Get involved to help protect workers' rights. |
Horse Racing in Maryland |
L.U. 1501 (ees,em,mo,pet,rts&t), BALTIMORE, MD—Horse racing in Maryland received a last minute reprieve. Our members employed by Amtote are dependent on the horse racing industry, which in Maryland appeared near its demise with voters approving a casino at Arundel Mills Mall, ending chances for slots at nearby Laurel Park Racetrack. Recently, Maryland Gov. Martin O'Malley brokered a last minute agreement to ensure racing at both Laurel and Pimlico racetracks. The governor said the agreement "keeps Maryland's treasured Preakness Stakes where it belongs at Pimlico and helps protect the thousands of jobs that depend on our rich history of horse racing." The Preakness is Maryland's largest sporting event, bringing an estimated $40 million to the state economy. The state will contribute a $3.5 million to $4 million subsidy funded by slot machine revenue, with the Maryland Thoroughbred Horseman's Association and the Maryland Horse Breeders Association contributing $1.7 million, which will guarantee 146 live racing days in Maryland. Though Maryland's horse racing is secure for 2011, much hard work remains to be done to ensure the viability of a sport that has seen attendance and betting decline for a decade, with neighboring states doing much better as they opened casinos at their racetracks. Bus. Mgr./Pres. Dion F. Guthrie said our local and organized labor will work with the governor to support his commitment to racing. |
![]() Local 1501 Bus. Mgr. Dion F. Guthrie (right) greets Maryland Gov. Martin O'Malley. |
Contract Negotiations |
L.U. 1523 (u), WICHITA, KS—It's contract time, and June and July are coming fast. We're seeing a shift in our workplace. Some for the better, some not so much for the better. Have you taken time to think about what is important for the betterment of the local? Have you sent in any proposals, along with an explanation? Sometimes change isn't easy and it does take effort to get the right change. We have good strong leaders who will go to bat to make our union stronger and better. They're smart people with lots of experience, but they need our input. They can't be everywhere all the time. Our Bus. Mgr. Ben Roloff just completed some good strong contracts that cover Local 1523 members. With a new contract coming up, we have the opportunity to make some needed changes, but our leaders can't do it without the membership. We have done a great job keeping safe work practices. Let's keep up the good work. We want all our members to get home safe to their families every day. Do you know who your steward is? |
Shop Steward Training |
L.U. 1547 (c,em,i,o,t&u), ANCHORAGE, AK—Nearly 200 shop stewards from across Alaska attended our annual Local 1547 Shop Steward Leadership Training in Anchorage. The IBEW hosts one of the largest labor training summits in the state. Stewards interacted with an arbitration panel and attended classes on collective bargaining, safety in the work place, grievance processing, the code of excellence and personal finance. Presenters included Larry Helms, Trainergy company; Federal Mediation & Conciliation Service mediator Gary Hattal; and IBEW Int. Reps. Tracy Prezeau and Greg Boyd. |
![]() Participants gather for the Local 1547 Shop Steward Leadership Training summit in Anchorage, AK. |
‘Be Safety Conscious' |
L.U. 1579 (i&o), AUGUSTA, GA—As the work in this jurisdiction picks up, we should all think of the safety concerns that exist and actually correct them. Local 1579 currently has the largest construction project in the country and safety will be a huge part of that job. There are many things you can do that you may not consider safety-related. To name a few, these include: getting plenty of sleep at bedtime, praying for safety on the job and the safety of co-workers, as well as maintaining your CPR and First Aid Training. If an accident occurs, try to be ready to step up and help. Construction is a dangerous occupation and we owe it to ourselves and our union brothers and sisters to be able and willing to respond to an accident. It would be a terrible feeling to be helpless in the event of an accident. The work situation in Augusta still looks good. The Vogtle Project will increase over the next couple of years and if all goes well, other union nuclear projects will follow. Let's do a good job on this project and remind all the critics that union labor is the best qualified labor that money can buy. Until next time, God Bless. |
Brotherhood & Fellowship |
L.U. 1739 (i&o), BARRIE, ONTARIO, CANADA—Shown in the accompanying photo are several Local 1739 retirees at a recent breakfast. It's nice to see the brothers continue to enjoy each other's company. They are certainly missed on the job. The local says thank-you to all our retirees and wishes them all good health and an enjoyable retirement. |
![]() Several Local 1739 retired members gather for a breakfast get-together. |
Early Retirements at Utility |
L.U. 1837 (rtb&u), MANCHESTER, ME—An attractive package of incentives at Central Maine Power Company has led to the early retirement of four chief stewards and the treasurer of IBEW Local 1837. Stewards Dale Blethen, Rodney Curtis, Gilbert Guevin, Barry Ripley and then-Treas. Donald Leighton retired from CMP in January. "I could go on and on about what these brothers have done for Local 1837," said Asst. Bus. Mgr. Bill Dunn. "They have been great activists for us and tireless fighters for the union movement. It will be a big hole to fill." When CMP received approval from the Public Utilities Commission to install so-called "smart meters" for its 600,000 customers, it meant that more than 100 members of IBEW Local 1837 would be affected. In order to help minimize the number of layoffs and open up other jobs at the company, CMP and the IBEW negotiated the Voluntary Early Retirement Program, or VERP. A total of 82 members took the VERP, out of approximately 700 IBEW members at CMP. |
50th Anniversary Celebration |
L.U. 2085 (i), WINNIPEG, MANITOBA, CANADA—IBEW Local 2085 is celebrating 50 years of representing workers in the electrical construction industry in the province of Manitoba. The last 50 years have been spent promoting respect among members of the electrical industry and advocating reasonable methods and hours of work. Our collective goal is to continue to be diligent in our organizing efforts so that we can maintain and further increase our standard of living. We have seen our ups and downs but we have remained strong. Over the last 10 years we have doubled the number of members in our local union and we are continuing on this path. On Oct 16, 2010, we celebrated our 50th anniversary with a pin banquet. It was well attended and everyone had a great night. Pictured in the accompanying photo are the retired members in attendance at the banquet. |
![]() Attending the 50th anniversary banquet of Local 2085, a group of retired members assembles for a photo. |
Milestones & Mobilization |
L.U. 2325 (t), WORCESTER, MA—In 2010, the local said goodbye to hundreds of members who accepted retirement packages from Verizon. We wish them health and happiness and extend our thanks for their contribution to the labor movement. Also, our annual Toys for Tots drive was a huge success. Thanks to the members for their generosity. A special thanks to Pres. Keith Herrick and E-Board member Keith Philbrook for organizing the drive. We've reached two important milestones: celebrating our local's 40th anniversary and becoming first-time property owners. We expect to move into our new union hall soon. 2011 is a contract year and mobilization is heating up. It started with our traditional one-year countdown rally and continues with membership meetings, contract strategy sessions and strike authorization votes. E-Board member Paul Mark ran an energetic campaign for the 2nd Berkshire District seat for state representative and was victorious. He was ceremoniously sworn in at the State House in front of a lively crowd. There is no better friend to labor than one of our own and we're extremely proud. Congratulations to labor, citizens of the 2nd Berkshire District and to state Rep. Paul Mark. Please stay informed, get involved and support your leadership. We Are Ready. |
![]() Local 2325 Bus. Mgr. David Keating (left) and Local 222 Bus. Mgr. and IEC member Myles J. Calvey (right) speak at the one-year-countdown to contract rally held in Boston. |
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