Local Lines |
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Legacy of Service Honored | |
L.U. 1 (as,c,ees,ei,em,es,et,fm,i,mt,rts,s,se,spa, st&ws), ST. LOUIS, MO—At the end of every Local 1 “Local Lines” article, the names of members who passed away during the two months prior to writing are listed. This is out of respect for members of this great union and their lifetime service. The names are in no particular order. All members who have gone before us contributed in some way to the betterment of this local union and the IBEW. Some members may have been more involved than others, some may have been officers or stewards, some may have simply led by example; and yet, every member is as important as the next. Let us never forget, even during these tough economic times, that those who have gone before us fought for the benefits and rights we have today. Without their legacy of fighting for working families, taking pride in their work, and exemplifying the work ethic and solidarity of Local 1 and the IBEW, we would not be as strong as we are today. Please be advised of the following members’ deaths: Virgil Greene, John Engle, Robert Reilly, Edward Stiles, Charles Boyer, Melvin Sieber, Robert Cull, Elmer McMullin, John Webber, Paul Skaggs, Thomas Skiles, Albert Mason and Dorothy Ferguson. |
Safety Achievements | |
L.U. 15 (u), DOWNERS GROVE, IL—On April 28, union members nationwide observed Workers Memorial Day, a day of remembrance for workers killed or injured on the job. Locally, a ceremony was held in Rockford at the site of a Workers Memorial Day monument. This year Local 15 member Alex Calazzo, underground cable splicer, was remembered. Alex died in December 2008 from injuries he received when a 4 kv-cable joint exploded in the manhole he was working in. February was a month of safety achievements for our Midwest Generation members at Powerton and Will County Station. Powerton Station members hosted a Safety & Health Fair for its employees and featured booths by safety equipment vendors. The Fair followed the station’s fewest OSHA Recordable Accidents in its history. Elsewhere, Will County Station finished 2008 with no OSHA Recordable Accidents. Southern Indiana and parts of Kentucky experienced a devastating snow storm that downed several thousand spans of wire and broke a huge number of poles. With hundreds of thousands of customers without power, our members traveled to these areas to assist our fellow IBEW members working for the local utility. Last fall, the Illinois Commerce Commission hired the Jacobs Consulting Group to review ComEd to determine if the utility is meeting customer expectations, providing service reliability and maintaining proper staffing levels to provide safety to the public and the work force. Local 15 followed the JCG 126-page report with 20 pages of questions disputing the firm’s facts and the lack of supporting company documentation used by JCG in reaching its conclusions. The union office filed its report with the Illinois Commerce Commission. |
One of the IBEW Local 15 overhead crews helps restore power after Indiana ice storm. |
Environmental Projects | |
L.U. 17 (catv,em,lctt,o&u), DETROIT, MI—Our Detroit Edison apprentice crew was very active last summer on a number of environmental projects. They helped a Boy Scout with his Eagle Scout project by setting 10 poles with bat nesting boxes attached to them at the Wayne County Park, Crosswinds Marsh, and Wetland Interpretive Preserve. They also set nine poles for an eagle enclosure at the Lake Erie Metro Park and assisted the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service by erecting an 85-foot pole on Humbug Island for use as an eagle nesting platform. We had seven teams and five apprentices compete at the 25th Annual Lineman’s Rodeo in Kansas City. In the journeyman contractor division, Carl McKissic, Trever Heimke and Clayton Byerly placed first, and the journeyman team of Thomas Swayne, Deven Heimke and Dennis Spurlock placed sixth overall. Congratulations to all our brothers who participated and for representing Local 17 with pride and confidence. With sadness we report the loss of Bros. Orville Ashley, William Coffman, Jackie Hicks, Albert King, William Spitz, Otis Tar and Herbert Tewillager. |
IBEW Local 17 apprentice crew members at Detroit Edison erect 85-foot pole on Humbug Island for use as an eagle nesting platform. |
Worth of a Union | |
L.U. 23 (u), ST. PAUL, MN—On Feb. 29, 2008, IBEW Locals 23,160, 949 and 1426 filed for arbitration when Xcel Energy decided to unilaterally change our pension plan relating to lump sum distributions of our retirement benefits. The company planned to change the interest rate calculator from the negotiated GATT rate (30-year T-bill rate) to the lower corporate coupon rate. This would have dramatically reduced the benefits that we would have received on our retirements. The arbitration was set to begin on Aug. 8, 2008. On Aug. 1, the locals received correspondence from Xcel Energy conceding to the unions’ demand that Xcel continue to use the negotiated GATT rate when computing our retirement benefits. The also agreed to pay all costs associated with the canceling of the arbitrations. This is an important victory that saved each member thousands of dollars. If you ever wondered about the worth of unions, this is a shining example. Incidentally, this also saved thousands of dollars for the nonunion individuals as well. Maybe they will come around and join up. We will talk to them. |
Safety Committee Milestone | |
L.U. 37 (em,o&u), FREDERICTON, NEW BRUNSWICK, CANADA—The Corporate IBEW– NB Power Health and Safety Committee reached a major milestone in January 2009; they have met monthly for 15 years without skipping a single meeting. The committee is composed of IBEW representatives as well as NB Power managers from across the organization and New Brunswick. Each month, they meet to talk about safety statistics from across the organization, share experiences and discuss and resolve issues that arise. At their regular meeting on Feb. 18, the committee members celebrated their milestone and were joined by Ross Galbraith, IBEW Local 37 business manager; David Hay, NB Power president and CEO; and Paul Theriault, NB Power vice president of Human Resources. at is amazing,” said IBEW Local 37 Bus. Mgr. Ross Galbraith. “This isn’t just a monthly meeting for drinking coffee and catching up. You have had a lot of very important and influential conversations as a group and have had a huge impact on the day-to-day safety of employees. The work you do here has saved lives; I can guarantee that.” |
Members of the Corporate IBEW-NB Power Health and Safety Committee celebrate a milestone. Back row, from left, are: Larry Bailey, NB Power; Phil Hepditch, Local 37 Executive Board member; Dave Lavigne, NB Power; Martin Boucher, NB Power; Gaetan Chiasson, Local 37 Executive Board member; and Lynn Arsenault, NB Power. Front row: Paul Theriault, NB Power; Clinton Sharpe, NB Power; Steve Hayes, Local 37 president; Duff Boyd, NB Power; Gary Munn, Local 37 assistant business manager; and Ross Galbraith, Local 37 business manager. |
St. Patrick’s Day Parade | |
L.U. 41 (em,es,govt,i,se&spa), BUFFALO, NY—The long, cold winter has finally come to an end. We experienced a better than normal winter work season. Hopefully work will remain steady in the months ahead. At the February meeting the membership voted the CW and CE classifications into the bylaws. This will give our contractors another avenue to compete for the small work in our area that we are currently losing to the nonunion. Local 41 participated in the annual St. Patrick’s Day parade in downtown Buffalo. Thank you to all the members and their families who marched. A special thank you to Bros. Mike Eustace and Pete Czaster for a job well-done on the design and construction of the float. It looked great. We encourage all members to contact their elected public officials and let our voice be heard. With the state of the economy, the attack on organized labor and workers rights is greater now than ever before. We need to let elected officials know who we are and that our vote counts. Remember to work safely, take pride in your local union and be involved! |
Work Remains Slow | |
L.U. 43 (em,i&rts), SYRACUSE, NY—Work continues to be slow. Our central New York weather also has been a challenge for projects that were scheduled to start. As of the first week in March, over 148 inches of snow had accumulated in the Syracuse area, with over 200 inches in some of our northern towns. One bright spot was the refuel outage at Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station. Including those hired for pre-outage work, 71 journeymen were employed for the outage. Asst. Bus. Mgr. Pat Costello and Pres. Don Morgan recently helped organize an informational picket at the Riverside Mall Burlington Coat Factory, Utica, NY. A number of the building trades participated in a very cold morning to get our message out there. Also braving the elements were Bros. Ryan Costello, Paul Jory, Al Marzullo, John Nowak and Mike Paniccia. Our thanks to all who participated for their show of solidarity and trade unionism. |
‘Caution and Optimism’ | |
L.U. 47 (lctt,mo,o,u&uow), DIAMOND BAR, CA—We start 2009 with caution and optimism. We are concerned over the damage done in the last eight years, but optimistic that Pres. Obama is the right person to make the required repairs. We have seen a slight slowdown in outside construction. Several large transmission line projects are awaiting approval. The Blythe Energy transmission line recently broke ground. Work at the utilities remains steady. Southern California Edison received a reasonable ruling on its rate case from the California Public utilities Commission. We testified for SCE. Workers at FP&L/Blythe Energy ratified a three-year first agreement. The Southern California Chapter EWMC attended the annual meeting in New Orleans. Delegates participated in two days of community service prior to the conference. New Orleans still bears many scars from Hurricane Katrina. Several Local 47 members marched 10 miles from Los Angeles to Westwood supporting the Employee Free Choice Act. Los Angeles County Federation of Labor organized the event. We are saddened to report the passing of Art Ford and Paul Miller. Our thoughts and prayers are with their families. In the March we erroneously reported David Mendoza had passed away—we are happy to report Bro. David is home recuperating from a prolonged illness. Live well, work union! |
Harborview Burn Center | |
L.U. 77 (lctt,mt,o,t&u), SEATTLE, WA—Harborview Burn Center located in Seattle has treated more than 15,000 patients since it opened in 1974, including nearly all burn victims in the Washington area. This is why the Washington State Association of Electrical Workers, which comprises over 21,000 electrical workers statewide, was instrumental in auctioning a gold coin at the 2008 IBEW Ninth District Progress Meeting and donating the proceeds of $10,000 to the Harborview Burn Center. (Photo below.) We are proud to welcome Patrick Darling to serve on the Local 77 Executive Board. Pat has been a tremendous asset to Local 77 and in his new role. |
Washington State Association of Electrical Workers Sec.-Treas. Don Guillot (third from left), business manger of IBEW Local 77, is among those present for the donation of $10,000 to Harborview Burn Center. From left are: Carolyn Blayney and Gayle Nisbet, Harborview Burn Center nurse managers; Guillot; Dr. Nicole Gibran, HBC director; WSAEW Pres. Gary Younghan; IBEW Local 46 Bus. Mgr. Virgil Hamilton; Dr. David Heimbach and Dr. Tam Pham, burn surgeons; and Burn Plastics Clinic Mgr. Merilyn Moore. Not Pictured: WSAEW Vice Pres. Ray Egelhoff. |
Honored for Service | |
L.U. 83 (u), BINGHAMTON, NY—At the Brewster Unit Christmas dinner last year, former longtime officer Gary Tiso was honored and thanked by his union brothers, sisters and officers. Brother Tiso’s tireless effort and dedication as a former steward, vice president, president, unit chair and business agent for former Local 994 and Local 83 are recognized by all who have had the pleasure of working with him. Bro. Tiso is appreciated for his many years of good work and sacrifice on behalf of the union. |
Wind Turbine Project | |
L.U. 99 (govt&i), PROVIDENCE, RI—The wind turbine project at Portsmouth, R.I., High School is just one of many proposed for this state and its vast shorelines. Local 99 has been involved with this project, with Ryan Electric handling the installation. This 330-foot-tall turbine will generate 1.5 megawatts, enough to supply approximately 60 percent of Portsmouth’s municipal electricity for schools, street lighting, town hall and other buildings. The $2.9 million cost was partly financed by the state’s Renewable Energy Fund. The surge in renewable energy will give Rhode Island’s economy a needed boost. Several companies are interested in the Quonset Business Park, to either manufacture or use as a staging area for these giant turbines. One such company, Deepwater Wind, has plans for a manufacturing plant that will employ 880 people and generate $60 million in wages. The company will install eight turbines in Rhode Island waters by 2012. There are also several other turbine proposals for our state. Hopefully, the IBEW and Local 99 will be able to take advantage of these opportunities at the beginning of this budding industry by showcasing the knowledge and talent of our diverse work force. Bus. Mgr. Allen P. Durand has been involved with renewable energy at the federal, state and local levels for several years in an attempt to regulate and capture this work. Only through our determination and diligence will we be able to secure this work for our future. |
Providence, RI, Local 99 is working on a wind turbine project at Portsmouth High School. |
Spirit of Brotherhood | |
L.U. 103 (cs&i), BOSTON, MA—Two recent annual union events demonstrated the spirit of brotherhood. At the Liberty Cup Hockey Classic match-up between Local 103 and New York, NY, Local 3, both teams displayed great camaraderie and enjoyed a meal at Local 103’s hall afterward. Local 103 won that game. At the Journeyman/Apprentice Sports Night at Local 103, journeymen won the hockey game and apprentices won the basketball game. There were also games for the kids and a get-together at the hall for all families. JATC Dir. Phil Mason retired after many years with the JATC. The new director is Leo Purcell, former business agent. Local 103 is offering ongoing Journeyman Rigging/Hoisting Engineer classes, which will benefit the industry and further IBEW employment. We now have a U.S. president who is proud to be associated with unions. His stimulus package and other efforts are for the American people and will create jobs and boost the economy. We need to support our president
in what he is working to accomplish. In Labor’s Voice, |
Three Generations | |
L.U. 111 (em,govt,lctt,mt,o,rtb,spa&u), DENVER, CO—Not every day do we find three generations of the same family with a combined total of 98 years’ service with Local 111. The Montoya family has done just that. Sam Montoya, 81, began working in 1942 in Trinidad as a 21-year-old apprentice groundman for Frontier Power Co. In 1953, Sam moved his family to Denver where he joined Local 111. Over the years, he worked for Union Power, Commonwealth, Reynolds and Wasatch (Utah). He retired 19 years ago after working for Sturgeon for 18 years where he was a lineman and a foreman. Sam recently received his 55-year service pin in a presentation at the union. His son Mick, and grandson Scott, were there to congratulate him. Mick will mark 40 years as a Local 111 member on June 1. A lineman, he
worked for Sturgeon for 18 years as a member of Unit 1 before joining Xcel Energy, becoming a member of Unit 2. Mick’s son Scott Montoya is a fifth-step apprentice lineman in Unit 1. |
Local 111 retired member Sam Montoya (center), his son Mick (left) and grandson Scott (right) have a combined total of 98 years in Local 111. |
Classes Offered | |
L.U. 125 (lctt,o,t&u), PORTLAND, OR—Providing educational opportunities for our members is a priority for our local. This spring we’re planning to offer our general shop steward class for current and potential shop stewards. The class will be held at the Local 125 business office. Based on requests from the shop stewards who attended our class in 2008, we are planning to develop an advanced shop steward class that focuses on investigations, communication and arbitrations. In addition, Local 125 is also creating a career development course that addresses interviewing and résumé preparation. Please let your business representative know if you would like to participate in the development process by joining us for the alpha and beta versions of the classes. For more information about any of these classes, please visit our Web site at www.ibew125.com or call the business office at (503) 262-9125. |
Spring & Summer Events | |
L.U. 141 (ees,i,o&u), WHEELING, WV—Work in the area is still slow. We remain optimistic. The social committee has some exciting events planned. On June 19 there will be another great trip to see the Washington
Wild Things, a professional baseball team based in Washington, PA. And it’s that time of year again—the Local 141 annual golf scramble and picnic is in the planning stages. We can use all the help we can get. The date is
set for Aug. 22. Clear you calendars. I hope to see you at both events. |
Advancing Our Agenda | |
L.U. 159 (i), MADISON, WI—On Feb. 27, over 80 members took part in our first ever Code of Excellence training. The majority of the surveys returned show overwhelming support for this program. I think most members believe we need to do something to take back our market share. Due to our victories in November 2008, we are finding it easier to advance our agenda in the state legislature. So far we have stronger prevailing wage language proposed in the state budget, and the rules for state
licensing are progressing. As Dave Boetcher, our president and state lobbyist says, “It’s nice to be on the offense for a change.” As always, everyone work safe. We want you around for a long time to come. |
George Meany Scouting Award | |
L.U. 163 (ees&i), WILKES-BARRE, PA—Local 163 mourns the loss of the following retired members who recently passed away: Joseph Rogan Sr., Philip Sarno and John J. Olejnik, a longtime JATC instructor, E-Board and Examining Board member. These brothers will be sadly missed. We are very proud of our members who have received the George Meany Award for contributions to youth through Scouting. They include: Bros. Ken Evans, Dominic Aritz, Eric Grohowski and, most recently, Michael Caffrey. Bro. Caffrey was recently honored at the Greater Wilkes-Barre Labor Council dinner and presented with an award by Local 163 Bus. Mgr. Michael Kwashnik. Local 163 has sponsored a 17-foot canoe for the NEPA Boy Scouts summer camp. A trap shoot was held for members and guests. The event was organized by Bro. Mark Tarence and everyone had a good time. In December 2008, the annual children’s Christmas party was held, coordinated by Bro. Eric Grohowski and all his elves. Apprentices recently worked on a Habitat for Humanity house. The project in Wilkes-Barre converted an old doctor’s office into a five-bedroom home. |
Local 163 Bus. Mgr. Michael Kwashnik (second from left) presents the George Meany Award to Local 163 member Michael Caffrey (third from left). Extending congratulations are the award recipient’s sons Michael Caffrey Jr. (left) and Kyle Caffrey. |
New Business Managers Class | |
L.U. 175 (c,em,i,lctt,mt,o&u), CHATTANOOGA, TN—IBEW Local 175 recently hosted a New Business Managers Class. Those in attendance were: Rhett Sanford, Local 1753 business manager; John Perritt Jr., Local 1758 president; Ron Lynch, Local 807 chairman; Mark Corn, Local 398 president; Chuck Moore, Local 776 business manager; Curtis Sharpe, Local 721 vice president; Charlie McKinney, Local 700 business manager; Danny Turner, Local 365 business manager; Mark Stewart, Local 248 business manager; Donald Tindall, Local 1537 business manager; Douglas Leath, Local 962 president; William Floyd, Local 1591 business manager; Karon Mingo, Local 2277 business manager; Terry Williams, Local 962 business manager; Tracy Newman, Local 1323 business manager; C. Kim Dawson, Local 1749 business manager; Int. Rep. Amanda Pacheco, I.O. Education Dept.; Int. Rep. Jim Ayrer, I.O. Education Dept.; Tenth District Int. Rep. Keith Craig; Tenth District Int. Rep. Jim Springfield; and Tenth District Int. Vice Pres. Robert P. Klein. We wish all these brothers and sisters the best of luck in the future. |
Participants attend the New Business Managers Class at Chattanooga, TN, Local 175. |
Solar Panel Installation | |
L.U. 177 (bo,ees,i,mo,o&pet), JACKSONVILLE, FL—Members of Local 177 who are taking a solar voltaic class at our JATC are installing a 25-kw solar panel system on the roof of our union hall for their “hands on
training” for the class. Sullivan Solar Power is the contractor and is represented by John Gurski, who is teaching the class. We hope to employ more brothers and sisters in the future in the solar voltaic field. |
Local 177 members install solar panels on the roof of the union hall. From left, back row, are: James Brock and Sanders Masters; middle row, Marvin Sanders, Larry Elliot, David Miller, John Gurski; and front row, Andrew Bridgham, Dwayne Taylor, Mary Richardson and Leroy Brown. |
Minority Caucus a Success | |
L.U. 191 (c,i,mo,rtb&st), EVERETT, WA—After visiting the New Orleans National Electrical Workers Minority Caucus, our union held an EWMC event Feb. 19. While working together to create a community service organization dedicated to bettering the community, we are coming to understand what we can do as an organized group. Our members joined together and volunteered in New Orleans to help community service efforts by wiring homes affected by Hurricane Katrina. We just finished $62 million in electrical work for the T-mobile data center. The project was completed in eight months and utilized 250 wiremen. The local thanks all the travelers for helping Local 191 staff the heavy workload. We could not have accomplished this without them. We must have had a traveler from every state in the nation assisting us with successful completions for many projects. With these substantial projects coming to an end, we have begun to experience a decline in our workload. Our workloads are continuing to fall as the economy weakens. |
Promoting IBEW Labor | |
L.U. 193 (i,lctt,o,rts,spa&u), SPRINGFIELD, IL—Rail Splitter Wind Farm is expected to be finished by early spring. The linemen and line clearance/tree trimmers helped southern Illinois and Kentucky during the recent ice storm. About 40 brothers gave their all! Local 193 has approximately 50 journeyman wiremen on Book I. Local 193 Organizer Glenn Baugh had a booth at the Jacksonville Chamber Of Commerce Business Expo 2009. Local 193 was letting construction users know that we are ready and able to take on all electrical projects in
the Western Division. Local TV ads promoting Local 193 have been running. Photos of several classifications have been shown. Remember to always promote all IBEW labor! We extend our sympathy to the family of Jack L. Burris Sr., who passed away. |
Local 193 member Eric Helton enters the rotor hub of a wind tower, 285 feet in the air, to make electrical connections. |
‘Fine Class of Apprentices’ | |
L.U. 197 (em&i), BLOOMINGTON, IL—We are looking for the work situation to turn around for us this spring. Work has been slow here. We look forward to topping out another fine class of apprentices. Our apprentices are doing a good job finishing up their annual class projects. The retirees look forward to judging the competition every spring to see what our future leaders have been learning. Recently apprentices gave up a Saturday morning to attend a Soares Grounding class. Journeymen, remember these extra classes are open to all to continue brushing up on skills and knowledge. Last year Brandon Major, son of fourth-year apprentice Mario Major, was in an accident that left the young man paralyzed. Brandon recently returned home from the hospital. Mario’s fellow apprentices collected money at
job sites and union functions to assist the Major family. They also built a wheelchair ramp at Brandon’s home. This year our contracts are up, so attend union meetings and make your voices heard. |
Local 197 members helped build a wheelchair ramp for Brandon Major’s return home. Among the volunteers are Local 197 members Jack Roberts, Robin Roberts, Ned Carr, Mitch Carr, Rob Sipes, Brian Burns, Randy Holland, Daryl Erschen and Chris Arbuckle. |
Newly Chartered Local | |
L.U. 225 (u), BURLINGTON, KS—2008 was an exciting year for Wolf Creek Nuclear Operating Corporation and newly chartered IBEW Local 225. Local 225 officers were elected and a three-year contract was ratified in December 2008. Congratulations to all members and many thanks to Bus. Mgr. Roger Turner, Pres. Doug Morris, Vice Pres. Ray Rogers, Rec. Sec. John Cuffe, Fin. Sec. Angela Johnson, Treas. Sherry Skidmore, and E-Board members Steve Dawson, Tim Burger, Russ Taylor, Bernie Handley, Rickey Yeager and John Cuffe. Our nuclear powered Local 225 is at 388 members and growing monthly. We have a lot to celebrate. We just achieved 10 million safe man-hours, largely due to ATOMS, our employee driven Behavior Safety program. The program encourages safe behavior through formal “no name, no blame” peer observations. Our Pro-Active Committee was recently called to action by Chairperson Jennifer Hopkins. Jennifer was contacted by Resource Center for Independent Living case manager Vickie Gillespie about unmet needs of people with disabilities in our area. Workers at Wolf Creek rallied together and gathered household items not funded by other sources. The items were placed in more than 20 laundry baskets and have been distributed in four surrounding counties. Chad Wilkins of RCIL was overwhelmed with the donation. Looking forward to another good year in 2009! |
Service Pins Awarded | |
L.U. 241 (i), ITHACA, NY—The following members recently received service pins: for 55 years of service—Richard Moore; for 50 years of service—Charlie French, James Bishop, David Doane, Ramon Clark and Harrison Raymond Jr. Congratulations to these members and to all members who are dedicated to all the IBEW stands for. On Jan. 31, 2009, retired former business manager John E. “Jack” Cortright passed away. Jack joined the local in 1949 and was business manager from 1968-1979. He was elected president of the Cortland-Tompkins Building
Trades Council in 1967. Through his efforts, the first contract between Cornell University and the Building Trades Council was signed in 1970. He will be remembered for all he achieved. |
Local 241 Pres. Brian Miller (left) presents 50-year service pin to retired member Charlie French. |
Employee Free Choice | |
L.U. 245 (govt,lctt,o,rtb&u), TOLEDO, OH—With a new U.S. president and a total overhaul of the top branch of government, we believe that labor can take a sigh of relief. Hopefully, the threat of “national right
to work,” “paycheck protection,” and the likes of these threats to organized labor are finally dead and buried, at least for now. We as American workers deserve better than the current economic inequality and decline. By supporting the Employee Free Choice Act, we can restore freedom for all workers and bargain for a better life for working families. Please write to your legislators to support this legislation so that we can preserve and strengthen our middle class. For more information, please see www.employeefreechoice.org. |
Members Take OSHA 30 | |
L.U. 257 (em,i,rtb,rts,spa&t), JEFFERSON CITY, MO—The work picture is slow for Local 257. Our members are taking this time to get their OSHA 30 cards. We’ve had a great turnout with OSHA 30; some 80 percent of our members have taken the class. Local 257 was pleased with November 2008 election results. We hope Pres. Obama and the U.S. Congress can bring our country back from this economic crisis. We look forward to a brighter work picture for Local 257 in upcoming months. We have a big federal courthouse project starting in summer 2009. Our local contractors are busy bidding on other projects being released this year. Local 257 had another setback for work, with the new St. Mary’s hospital project put on hold for now. Yet those involved are still planning and designing projects to start at a later date. On a brighter note, two meetings were held Feb. 18 in Fulton, MO, regarding construction of a second nuclear reactor in Callaway County. Discussions involved how to pay for the project and approval for Ameren UE to build the second plant. It was a successful meeting with 10 to 1 in favor of building a second reactor. We thank all who attended. Our condolences to families of recently deceased members Norman Hart, Brian Sidwell and Wilfred Schulte. |
COMET Training | |
L.U. 307 (ees,es,i,o&u), CUMBERLAND, MD—Local 307 member Rich Karge reported for two weeks of active duty in March at Camp Dawson in Kingwood, WV. He is scheduled to deploy in July with the National Guard to Iraq
for a year of active duty. [Please watch for an “IBEW On Duty” article and photo in an upcoming issue of The Electrical Worker.] We admire Rich’s courage and pray for his safe return. Congratulations to the apprentices, construction wiremen, construction electricians and journeyman wiremen who completed COMET training on March 2-3, 2009. |
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A Night at the Races | |
L.U. 309 (i,lctt,mo,mt,o,rts,spa&u), COLLINSVILLE, IL—As of this writing the work picture for the inside is holding steady while work for the outside has slowed. Journeyman and apprentice linemen are experiencing full employment, but equipment operators are suffering layoffs. Inside projects that are still progressing are Suncoke at U.S. Steel, Abengoa Ethanol Plant and Transcom at Scott Air Force Base. On Feb.17, Int. Rep. Donald R. Woolridge spent the afternoon at our local presenting new officer orientation and the Code of Excellence program. This was appreciated and well-received by our new officers. Contract negotiations with Fairmont Park were concluded at the end of February. Local 309 will host a night at the races at Fairmont Park on June 27. We hope for a good turnout in support of the racetrack. Those appearing at the March union meeting for pin presentation were: George Berkaw, Robert E. Hill, Ronald J. Schrodroski, Edward Hayes, Roger W. Levin, Jimmie W. Wildhaber and Keith Howard. Congratulations to all! |
St. Patrick’s Day Parade | |
L.U. 313 (i&spa), WILMINGTON, DE—IBEW Local 313 was well-represented at this year’s St. Patrick’s Day parade in Wilmington. Participating were journeyman wiremen and their families, apprentices and many retired members. Members young and old showed off their “Irish” spirit and their “Kiss Me I’m Union” pins. On the JATC front, first- and second-year apprentices got hands-on training this year with the new Conduit Bending Lab. This new lab will enable the apprentices to become more familiar and proficient when bending off-sets, saddles and kicks in conduit. Also, the second-year apprentice classes participated in the Fluke Test Instrument curriculum, which exposed the apprentices to the latest Fluke meters and their functions. This lab will help the students become more familiar with the testing functions of the meters such as voltage, amperage and resistance measurements and how they are used in the field. Finally, PM Realty Group employees thank Bus. Mgr. Doug Drummond and the negotiating committee on achieving ratification of a new three-year agreement between Local 313 and PM Realty at the J.P. Morgan Chase data centers. Thank you to all for your hard work and perseverance to see the contract signed. |
IBEW Local 313 contingent marches in the Wilmington, DE, St. Patrick’s Day parade. |
IEC Appointment | |
L.U. 349 (em,i,mps,rtb,spa&u), MIAMI, FL—We had a special guest and friends at the February local union meeting. We were visited by Fifth District Int. Vice Pres. Joe S. Davis and Fifth District Int. Rep. Gerald M. Counihan. Int. Vice Pres. Davis gave an excellent speech. He noted that the IBEW has 11 IVP districts with 11 International Vice Presidents; and that the IBEW International Executive Council comprises an IEC chairman and eight IEC districts. Vice Pres. Davis noted that Local 349 is in the IEC Fourth District. Int. Pres. Edwin D. Hill has appointed Local 349 Bus. Mgr. William “Bill” Riley as Fourth District IEC member. Int. Rep. Counihan noted that this IEC appointment is a great honor and said he looks forward to continue working with Bro. Riley and Local 349 as he has in the past. We the officers and members of Local 349 congratulate Bus. Mgr. Riley on this accomplishment. This honor came with a lot of hard work and dedication and is well-deserved. Remember to work safe, work smart. A mind is like a parachute; it only functions when open. Attend local union meetings; keep your local union strong. |
IBEW Life Saving Award | |
L.U. 351 (c,cs,i,it,lctt,mt,o,se,spa&t), FOLSOM, NJ—Local 351 member Paul Morgano received the IBEW Life Saving Award at our general union meeting in February. While working at the new addition to the Williamstown High School last December, Bro. Scott Poley became entangled in an existing hot 277 circuit and the ceiling grid. Realizing he was in a bad position, he made the ladder sway and fall. When Scott fell to the ground his hand was still clenching the MC cable, which traveled 10 feet down with him. Bro. Paul Morgano was working close by, heard the commotion and ran to Scott’s aid. He put one foot on Scott’s chest and yanked the MC cable from his clenched hand. Thanks to Paul’s quick thinking, Scott’s life was saved. |
Local 351 member Paul Morgano (left) displays IBEW Life Saving Award as he shakes hands with Local 351 member Scott Poley. |
Groundbreaking for New Hall | |
L.U. 357 (c,i,mt&se), LAS VEGAS, NV—Local 357 has outgrown our current union hall. On Jan. 26, we were proud to break ground on our new hall. With the commencement of a groundbreaking ceremony, the officers and staff were pleased to be joined by Las Vegas Mayor Oscar Goodman as well as other city and county officials. Also present at the ceremony were two past business managers—retired Int. Sec. Ralph Legion and retired Int. Rep. Cecil Wynn. After the dedication ceremony and the first dirt was moved, refreshments were served. Local 357 is saddened to announce the sudden loss of a staff member, Bro. William Poma. |
Shown at the Local 357 groundbreaking ceremony for a new union hall are local staff members, from left: Vice Pres. Edward “Eddie” Gering, Rec. Sec. Linda Bieniek, Executive Board member Frank Upright, Pres. Charles “Tom” Stetson, Treas. Terry Heins, Bus. Mgr./Fin. Sec. David R Jones, and Executive Board members David Riggio, Kenyon Crouch, Albert “Al” Harris, Susan “Sue” Huening and Jack Flieg. |
Graduation-Retiree Dinner | |
L.U. 363 (catv,em,govt,i,t,u&ws), NEW CITY, NY—Apprenticeship program graduates as well as recently retired brothers and sisters were honored at our annual dinner dance. The evening’s program was introduced by Pres. Timothy Riley and a warm welcome was given by Bus. Mgr. John Maraia. Distinguished guests included New York State Sen. Thomas Morahan and Commissioner Patricia Smith, New York State Department of Labor, who acknowledged in her speech that our local union’s apprenticeship program is one of the best in the state. Diplomas were presented to the graduates by Training Dir. Craig Jacobs, Bus. Mgr. Maraia and Governor of the Hudson Valley Chapter of NECA Jeffrey Seidel. |
Brotherhood Alive and Well | |
L.U. 429 (em,i,lctt,o,ptc,rtb&u), NASHVILLE, TN—Our recent service pin ceremony and retirees breakfast was a great success. Everyone is proud of our TV, radio and billboard advertisements that promote the IBEW and help make the public, customers and nonunion electricians aware of who we are and that we have been the best-kept secret. Congratulations to our NEJATC apprenticeship graduates. The new journeyman wiremen are: (spring class)—Kevin Adams, Jodey Beard, Marcus Frey, Michael Guest, Brian Gunn, Clayton Hamilton, Ronald Huey, Brian Koon, John Kuffel, Mathew Sansom and Christopher Solomon; (fall class)—Matthew Edmonds, Brook Erb, John Norman, Lobo Richards, James Scott, Christopher Wallace and Michael Wood. Thanks to all the locals that have provided work for our members and to all who have helped Local 429 members during this bad economy. Thanks also to Local 429 members and others who worked on disabled veteran Kevin Down’s “Home for a Hero,” designed for accessibility. [Please watch for an “IBEW on Duty” article and photo in an upcoming issue of The Electrical Worker.] |
‘History-Making Effort’ | |
L.U. 449 (catv,em,i,o,rtb,rts,spa&u), POCATELLO, ID—The Employee Free Choice Act could be the most meaningful labor legislation we have seen in decades. We could actually see the intent of the National Labor Relations Act met as many more workers who seek representation and a contract end up with both. That would be a stark contrast to what we’ve seen for far too long, as many who tried to get a meaningful voice in their employment traded their dreams for the reality of mistreatment and loss of their employment. One intent of the proposed legislation is to foster and encourage collective bargaining as a stabilizing influence in the labor-management relationship. You can have a part in this history making effort by reading our IBEW publications and checking out www.ibew.org, to become more informed on labor’s perspectives. The next step would be to actually contact your representatives and give them some input so they don’t hear from only those who would continue to deny workers the right to collective bargaining and a meaningful voice in their futures. We congratulate Bros. William T. Irving and Gary Cover upon their retirements. We offer condolences to the families of Dallas Christopherson, Vern Lambert and Ronald Scott upon their passing. |
‘Penguin Plunge’ Fundraiser | |
L.U. 457 (u), MERIDEN, CT—Several Local 457 members took part in a “Penguin Plunge,” which raises money locally for the Connecticut Special Olympics.Team 457 raised over $2,500, while the overall event raised $37,000 Some of those who participated in the event are shown in the accompanying photo. Thanks to all the members for their participation and generous contributions. |
Local 457 members participate in the “Penguin Plunge” fundraiser for the Connecticut Special Olympics. From left are: Honorary Member Ryan McClean, Asst. Bus. Mgr. John Fernandes, Wallingford Division’s Cantrece Adams and Eric Lefebvre, Paul Gagnon from Yankee Gas, and Larry Polaske from CL&P. |
Food Drive a Success | |
L.U. 459 (ees,em,govt,so&u), JOHNSTOWN, PA—Local 459 completed another successful year with its annual food drive. We had a record year for contributions even though the economy is so bad. With the current
situation of job losses and unemployment, many more people are in need and the members really stepped up. Our members and employers contributed $10,105 and numerous boxes of food. This is the largest amount ever collected since we started. The monetary donations went back out to 17 area food pantries in the districts where our members reside. Food coupons in the amount of $500 were purchased and sent to our members who have been off work and out of benefits. The local thanks all the stewards who worked hard collecting funds and food from the membership. A special thanks to Rec. Sec. Mary Perdew, who is also chairperson of the local’s food drive. |
Newly Elected Officers | |
Local 503 (t&u), MONROE, NY—Greetings, brothers and sisters. I would like to announce the newly elected officers and E-Board members for Local 503. Brian W. Scott was elected as business manager/president, and Scott Jensen as vice president. Re-elected were Joe Hosking as treasurer, and Jacqueline Sanchez as recording secretary. The newly elected E-Board members
are: Mark Angeloni, Christopher Battiato, Howie Bauscher, David Erickson, Scott Hallock, Brian Hutchings, Jean Marie Johnson, Jim Ludecker, Jamie Miller, Steve Reynolds, Edward Shuart, Ken Titland and Jeff Wilbur. Brian
McPartland returns as business agent. Newly elected for 503.3—Chmn. Rob Decker, Vice Chm. Bob Arraiz and Rec. Sec. Joe Trizzino. Our officers and E-Board members look forward to a successful working relationship with all companies Local 503 and its units are associated with. The officers also wish to welcome our new members and ask that they make every effort to attend the next monthly meeting to be sworn in, hear updates on the latest communications, share concerns or questions, and support the new administration as they move forward in their newly elected duties. Please check out our new Web site www.ibew503.org. |
Local 503 Bus. Mgr./Pres. Brian W. Scott (second from right) is sworn in by retired business manager/president Robert V. Citrolo (second from left). Also shown are Vice Pres. Scott Jensen (right) and Bus. Agent Brian McPartland (left). |
Stimulus Plan Brings Hope | |
L.U. 531 (i), LAPORTE, IN—As I write this article, spring is fast approaching. It was a very long, cold and snow-filled winter season here. Our terrible winter did not help our job situation, which at this writing is
gloomy, same as our weather. With the Blue Chip Casino and several other jobs being completed, work has been relatively slow. There seem to be a lot of jobs being planned for this upcoming year, so things should get better soon. Local unions of all trades have been picketing the new Olive Garden restaurant going up in Michigan City. With so much unemployment, it’s a shame the company chose to go nonunion. Let us all keep this in mind when
this project is completed. One bright spot is our new president’s stimulus plan. Hopefully, this will get construction jobs started around the country. It seems most people support the plan. After all, you have to start somewhere. The only criticisms I seem to hear are from the “Bushees,” who got us in this mess in the first place. Like we’re supposed to solve in one month, what it took Bush eight years to get us into. On that note, think about warm weather. By the time you read this article it should be hot. |
Officer Training Session | |
L.U. 533 (rr), CHICAGO, IL—Officer training was held Jan. 21 at the Hampton Inn in Chicago. The training was conducted by Sixth District Int. Reps. Richard J. Gessler and Mary Harrigan, and Railroad System Council #16 Gen. Chmn. Dale E. Doyle. Local 533 officers attending the training seminar were Treas. Larry Roberts, Fin. Sec. Michael G. Cronin, Pres. Armando Lopez, Rec. Sec. Eric Graf, Local Chmn. Paul Mayer and Asst. Union Stuart Albert Chavez. Officers from Locals 794 and 757 also attended the session. Local union officers’ duties and responsibilities, as well as budgeting ideas, were discussed. Additionally, a guest speaker, an attorney with Railroad experience, gave a presentation on workers’ rights and highlighted topics on designating a legal counsel. Our officers found the training helpful and will use the topics discussed as a building block to strengthen our union. We thank the facilitators for their time, insight and encouragement. Local 533 wishes to recognize registered nurse Sandy Oestmann, daughter of longtime Local 533 member Gary “Moose” Oestmann, for her week-long volunteer work in Guatemala for the Outreach For World Hope organization. |
Employee Free Choice Act | |
L.U. 551 (c,i&st), SANTA ROSA, CA—We are flooding Senator Dianne Feinstein’s office with letters to support the Employee Free Choice Act. Here is a fantastic letter from third-year apprentice Brian Klinger: “Dear Senator Feinstein: I used to work for a non-union electrical contractor. The Journeyman who trained me was paid $24 an hour after four years with this company. This guy was trusted to work on energized equipment and risked his life for his employer, but he was never adequately compensated. Instead the owner complained about injuries by saying, ‘Do you realize how many vacation houses I could have if I didn’t have to pay for insurance on you?’ This is the reason every worker should have the right to unionize. When work is difficult and dangerous, a skilled worker should have the power to demand a living wage. $24 per hour is not enough to
buy a house in your district. A commercial Journeyman is being exploited at this wage. We need unions to protect the vast majority of Americans from the greed of the ultra rich. Trusting the rich to protect the interests
of all Americans has gotten us on the brink of disaster. We need unions, and we need the Employee Free Choice Act.”
‘Keep Our Voice Alive’ | |
L.U. 557 (i,mt,rts&spa), SAGINAW, MI—What a winter! Lots of snow, cold and wind gave people reason to stimulate the economy and travel to somewhere warm, if they could afford it. In Saginaw, a foundry closed and a semiconductor plant began to expand. Our elected officials have tried to keep the expansion here, which means Local 557 hands and many from out of the area have found work. The rural setting is being transformed; not many years ago a local grain elevator was the skyline. Now numerous towers dwarf the Hemlock elevator miles apart, and still more work is to be done. Working families who live in a Republican district need someone to appeal their cause. Having people like Thea Lee, policy director and chief international economist at the AFL-CIO, appear in the media and support our cause keeps our voice alive. No congressional Republicans supported the stimulus package, but they have expressed an opinion. The Republicans’ “trickle-down theory” has helped keep middle-class incomes stagnant. Corporate greed is still shipping jobs and money overseas. What a mess workers would have if their Social Security had been in individual accounts in stocks. I wish we had more Democrats making decisions for our country! |
Saginaw Valley State University adds a housing center, creating jobs for Van Herweg Electric and IBEW Local 557 members. At the job site are, from left, front row: Brennan Neumeyer, Bob Dupuis and Bernie Atwater; back row, Mike Mossner, Joshua Latty, Terry Washington, Randy Halas and Chad Van Herweg. |
EWMC New Orleans Conference | |
L.U. 569 (i,mar,mt,rts&spa), SAN DIEGO, CA—The Electrical Workers Minority Caucus recently held its 19th Annual Leadership Conference in New Orleans, LA. Local 569 was represented by its EWMC chapter president, Mr. Kevin Gorman, and its EWMC treasurer, Mr. Steven Steppe. A goal of the EWMC is to encourage minority workers to be greater activists in community affairs. The conference began Jan. 15 with a community service event. EWMC volunteers repaired churches, schools and parks, and completely re-wired some damaged houses in the New Orleans area. Local 569 EWMC members helped re-wire a house in St. Bernard Parish. A host of great speakers, including Mayor Ray Nagin, attended the conference. The mayor thanked the EWMC for their repair work in areas still left devastated three years after Hurricane Katrina. The conference welcomed keynote speaker IBEW Int. Pres. Edwin D. Hill, whose words of support for the EWMC are a source of inspiration. Local 130 Bus. Mgr. Robert “Tiger” Hammond expressed a heartfelt than-you for the efforts of the EWMC. I ask the IBEW community at large to keep New Orleans in its thoughts and prayers. |
EWMC members, IBEW representatives and other volunteers from across the United States join Local 130 Bus. Mgr. Robert “Tiger” Hammond (back row, second from left) at re-wired home in St. Bernard Parish, New Orleans. |
Hope for Brighter Days Ahead | |
L.U. 595 (c,govt,i&st), DUBLIN, CA—These are difficult times for our members, as we have nearly 20 percent unemployment. We hope for brighter days ahead as a result of Pres. Obama’s stimulus package and the end
of the rainy season. Obama administration policies will help labor make great strides in years ahead. Our IBEW leadership is also taking steps to advance the union as the economy turns around. Local 595 sent 12 members to New Orleans to participate in the January Electrical Workers Minority Caucus Leadership Conference. EWMC volunteers did community service work in the hurricane ravaged city. Eighty Local 595 members attended an Air Quality Management Board meeting to support final approval to build a 600-megawatt power plant in the city of Hayward. This would provide work for 650 construction workers for
two years. Our San Joaquin/Calaveras jurisdiction is preparing for contract negotiations; our agreement expires June 1. Our new health reimbursement account is up and running and we look forward to implementation of our Drug Free Workforce program this summer in Alameda County. We mourn the loss of longtime industry leader Terry Givens Sr. As a contractor and a partner of the IBEW, Terry diligently promoted the electrical industry. Our condolences to his family. |
Team leader Bridget Hall (front, center), a Local 595 Executive Board member, joins an energetic group of fellow volunteers participating in the EWMC volunteer effort in New Orleans. |
Code of Excellence Adopted | |
L.U. 613 (em,i,o,rts&spa), ATLANTA, GA—We have high hopes of good employment this year. Starting Jan. 1, 2009, our local adopted the Code of Excellence, a standard under which members do their jobs in a conscientious manner. Simple, right? It should be, but some have a hard time understanding what it means to be an IBEW journeyman wireman. Being a journeyman wireman is an honor that brings respect to the trade, a sense of knowledge and tradition unequaled in any other craft. Our training is vast and deep, continuing on until we retire. We go to work every day with a sense of pride and satisfaction knowing we give the contractor the very best edge for bidding and being awarded contracts. Our safety program is excellent, as is evident by the few accidents that happen. The Code of Excellence Committee is made up of eight people. Four are from labor and four from management. From management are: John Roland, Ken Attaway, Alton Abercrombie and David Sokolow. From labor are: Gene O’Kelley, Wayne Sanders, Clayton Bess and Len Walters. |
‘Cream of the Crop’ Award | |
L.U. 617 (c,i,mo&st), SAN MATEO, CA—The local was honored at the Feb. 24 AFL-CIO Community Services and San Mateo County Central Labor Council luncheon recognizing exceptional service and financial assistance to
the 2008 Union Food and Toy Drive. Local 617 received the Cream of the Crop Award for the outstanding results of fundraising efforts initiated by Pres. Mark Leach and the Executive Board. On Feb. 26 more than 75 Local 617 members and representatives of seven local contractors joined another 125 union trades people at the San Mateo Union High School District Board meeting. They overwhelmed ABC representation with accurate information and presence. Local politicians and building trades speakers advocated for support of project labor agreements in school district projects. By the end of a long evening, union labor had secured a majority vote of the board to utilize district PLAs. Bus. Mgr. Dominic Nolan and the Electrical Transit Negotiating Committee put in long hours securing a new contract for the workers at SFO AirTrain. In these difficult economic times, member volunteerism remains strong. New committees rise to address the important issues facing our local: healthcare, organizing, education and solar. On the job, at the hall, and in the community, 617 members meet the challenges facing us with inspired vitality and shared solutions to get the job done. |
Eager for Work to Break | |
L.U. 683 (em&i), COLUMBUS, OH—Waiting for work to break is like waiting for winter to end. We need time for Pres. Obama’s stimulus package to get going and get everyone back to work. It took awhile to get this country in this shape and it will take quite some time to get us out. Hopefully this will wake some people up to see what can happen when anti-labor politicians and others get free reign over this country. They keep telling us they are there for us, to do what is best for us, but it turns out they did what was best for them. We need to give Pres. Obama’s plan a chance and see how it works out. It was nice to see our labor leaders welcomed back to the White House. At this time work is slow in our jurisdiction and as always we appreciate the opportunities that other locals have given to help our members. Hopefully work will pick up this spring. We express our condolences to the families of recently deceased members Gerald Cooley and George Shaw. |
Annual Picnic June 27 | |
L.U. 723 (em,govt,rtb,rts&t), FORT WAYNE, IN—Local 723’s annual picnic will be held June 27, 11 a.m., at the Franke Park Fort Wayne Children’s Zoo. The picnic is open to active and retired IBEW members and their immediate family only. This was a big hit last year and we hope to see even more of you this year. The deadline to respond is June 12. We thank retiree Bob Zahn for the best wishes he sent to us and his continued interest in our local. Thanks also to Molly Getts, our 2008 Essay Scholarship winner, for coming in to read her winning essay to our Executive Board and at our Unit 1 meeting. We also thank our members for their increased interest and participation in the unit meetings. For more information on the items above, on when our unit meetings are held, and on other upcoming events, including our annual golf outing, visit our Web site www.ibew723.org or call the local at (888) 844-0373. |
Junior Seaton Mourned | |
L.U. 759 (u), FT. LAUDERDALE, FL—On Feb. 15, Local 759 member Junior A.
Seaton, 37, died in the line of duty while working on a planned outage. Bro. Seaton’s positive attitude and his contagious smile will be missed. Junior was from Jamaica and hired on as a lineman in 2007. Hundreds turned out to pay their respects at his viewing here. He was to be buried in Jamaica. Junior left behind his wife, Simone, and two young daughters, ages 9 and 6. This was Local 759’s first fatality since 1977. In 2008 we held local elections. Elected were: Bus. Mgr./Pres. Tim Haynick, Vice Pres. Steve Donovan, Rec. Sec. Walt Crosson, Fin. Sec. Keith Murphy and Treas. Tim Brucker. The 2008 hurricane season was kind to us. We hope 2009 will be just as kind. Also as of this writing, we are in the middle of contract negations and are hopeful that by our next article we will be able to report the results. |
Local 759 mourns the February 2009 death of lineman Junior Seaton, shown at lower left. |
New Signatory Contractor | |
L.U. 915 (i&mt), TAMPA, FL—Local 915 would like to recognize our new signatory contractor Hoops Electric from Venice, FL. The staff of Local 915 went to the contractor’s shop to explain the benefits of joining the IBEW and what the union would mean to their careers. We welcomed five of these new members who attended our January union meeting to be sworn into the IBEW before the membership. Congratulations to Shawn Dwyer, Mike Messaros, William Rosa, Brian Kloo and Kevin Jackson. We welcome you all from Hoops Electric to our membership. We had our annual work party in February with a great attendance from our members. Approximately 40 members showed up to do some routine maintenance around our grounds, and add a new sink and table to our cook shed. We were done with our tasks early and had a great time of fellowship and food afterward. Thank you to all who attended and for the great work that was done. We continue to have a surprising attendance from our apprentices. Apprentices are the future of our Brotherhood and we are proud to have them. |
Local 915 members help out at the local’s annual work party. |
Support Employee Free Choice | |
L.U. 953 (catv,em,lctt,o,spa,t&u), EAU CLAIRE, WI—Local 953 had another successful fishing derby in February. We had a good turnout and a good time. We are actively encouraging our members to call our legislators to request that they vote “Yes” on the Employee Free Choice Act. Our message to legislators: “America’s workers are the most productive in the world, but we are taking the brunt of the pain in today’s economy. Please restore our freedom to bargain for secure jobs, health care and retirement benefits, and fair pay by co-sponsoring and voting for the Employee Free Choice Act.” Fellow members, please encourage your friends and neighbors to organize. |
2008 ‘A Banner Year’ | |
L.U. 1049 (lctt,o,u&uow), LONG ISLAND, NY—It was another banner year for Local 1049. Under the leadership of Bus. Mgr. Robert Shand, we negotiated new collective bargaining agreements for our members in our Gas and Electric Craft Divisions. We ended 2008 negotiating on behalf of our members employed by WRS Environmental Services Inc. In each of these contracts, we successfully negotiated increases in the wage, benefit and training packages. Each agreement was overwhelmingly ratified by the membership. With the merger of IBEW Local 1049 and former Local 1381 complete, we are now in an even better position to represent our members. With a larger and more active membership, we have been better able to support the
entire Long Island community. We have been able to do this through our Community Affairs, Governmental Affairs and Organizing Committees, which actively support labor’s missions. During the past year we also began several initiatives, the largest of which is our Safety Advocate Program. It is so successful that several local unions have established their own safety advocate programs using ours as a model. We have also endeavored to completely update and modernize our union hall, including the means by which we communicate with members. Additionally, we have enhanced our relationships with the local unions that also work for our largest employer, National Grid. |
PG&E Negotiations | |
L.U. 1245 (catv,em,govt,lctt,o,pet,t&u), VACAVILLE, CA—Retiree medical benefits, on the bargaining table this spring with Pacific Gas & Electric, are prompting the company and union to seek creative
solutions to the problem of skyrocketing costs. Company contributions to retiree medical were capped in 2000, leaving retirees to pay an ever-larger share of premiums. Retirees, on average, now pay 25 percent of their pension check for medical insurance. Active employees, by contrast, pay about 1 percent of their wages to medical premiums. The company and union, with assistance from a compensation consulting firm, are cooperatively exploring a multi-prong solution to the problem that could include: a health savings account as part of a high deductible plan; improvements to the company’s Retirement Savings Plan; reallocating costs from retirees to active employees; converting sick leave benefits to a Retirement Medical Savings Account; redesign plan for current retirees by adjusting the current cap or having retirees pay a fixed percentage of the premium; and complete re-design of retiree medical for future retirees, including creation of Retirement Medical Savings Account. The union planned steward meetings throughout PG&E service territory in March and early April to provide background information on the issues. |
Local 1245 Bus. Mgr. Tom Dalzell (second from left) meets with shop stewards John Rasmussen (left), Rick Helzer (second from right) and Louie Pence (right) following a stewards meeting in Stockton to discuss upcoming negotiations with Pacific Gas & Electric over medical benefits. |
Employee Free Choice Act | |
L.U. 1253 (i), AUGUSTA, ME—This local union has joined in the fight for passage of the Employee Free Choice Act. In December 2008, IBEW Locals 1837, 567, 1768 and 1253 met with U.S. Sen. Olympia Snowe’s local office in an initial step to provide testimony and seek support. As an active participant in the Helmets to Hardhats program, we were pleased to join in welcoming Richie Eckler as the guest speaker at the Maine Building and Construction Trades March 12th meeting held at the State House in Augusta. Eckler, who is northeast field representative for Helmets to Hardhats, was joined at the meeting by Robert Schwartz, HTH Wounded Warrior Program coordinator. A number of years-of-service pins were presented at the February union meeting. Awarded their 35-year pins were: Steve Cunningham, Roger Lockhard and Pete Mayo. Presented 30-year pins were: Brian Bradstreet, Dick Lerette, Al MacMaster and Greg True. Congratulations to each of you and thanks for your many dedicated years of service! We’re saddened to announce the passing of retired members Owen Grasse, Kenneth Rancourt and Vernon Smith. Each played a vital role in this local union and will be greatly missed. We welcome Pres. Obama and his administration and prepare for the brighter future we believe lies ahead. |
The Beaver Ridge Wind Project in the town of Freedom, ME, was installed by members of IBEW Augusta Local 1253 for signatory contractor Sullivan and Merritt. |
Kudos to Recent Retirees | |
L.U. 1307 (u), SALISBURY, MD—Congratulations to five retiring members: Christine Bramble, Gary Calloway, Chris Carter, Charles Conley and Kennard Cook. Sister Bramble started with Choptank Electric Co-op in 1971, as a stenographer clerk in the Sudlersville District. The job title later changed to Regional Customer Service Representative and the Sudlersville operation moved to Chestertown, where Christine completed her career in November 2008. Bro. Calloway was hired by Choptank Electric as a storeroom attendant’s helper in the Denton District in 1983. Gary became an apprentice tree trimmer in 1984 and advanced to tree trimmer in 1985. He retired in
November 2008. Bro. Carter began with Choptank Electric in 1980, as a draftsman. Chris worked as an engineering fieldman from 1985 until his November 2008 retirement. Bro. Conley started with Choptank Electric in 1984, as an apprentice lineman. He progressed to journeyman lineman in 1986 and to chief lineman in 1995. In recent years Charlie worked as a meter tester 1st class and as Work Order and Material coordinator. He retired in November 2008. Bro. Cook began at Choptank Electric in 1987 as a communications clerk. He entered the apprentice lineman program in 1988 and became a chief lineman in 2000. Kenny retired in November 2008. Best wishes to all for a happy retirement. |
Telecom Code of Excellence | |
L.U. 1357 (t), HONOLULU, HI—Local 1357 members greeted 2009 with mixed emotions. We are encouraged by Pres. Obama’s team, which appears to be the right fix for our nation and labor. However, Bus. Mgr. Scot Long and his team have had their hands full with Hawaiian Telcom, which filed for bankruptcy reorganization under Chapter 11 in late 2008. The local is committed to working in partnership with the employer to bring in customers, find ways to grow the business, and continue to protect the collective bargaining agreement. And while we experience some tough times and work toward resolving situations affecting our members, we continue to drive home the message of working safely and diligently, and continuing to be the best we can be, in keeping with the IBEW’s Code of Excellence. Bus. Mgr. Long and Pres. Ted Furukado attended the Telecommunications Leadership Forum in Naples, FL, in January where the emphasis was on the Code of Excellence. Following their return, Pres. Furukado put his newly learned skills to work by providing new member orientation and leadership training to current and prospective members of our Saipan unit, and by conducting organizing clinics with new employees of telecommunications provider IT&E, which yielded 21 applicants for membership. Job well done! |
Major Storm Restoration | |
L.U. 1393 (catv,lctt,o,t&u), INDIANAPOLIS, IN—At this February writing, Local 1393’s jurisdiction was recovering from a devastating winter storm that affected utility customers throughout our statewide jurisdiction. Thanks to all our construction and utility members who worked long hours in adverse conditions to maintain and restore service. Outside line construction work in Indiana is slow at press time, with 23 journeyman linemen on Book 1, 14 journeyman linemen on Book 2, four linemen and six wiremen on Book 3, 16 operators on Book 1, four operators on Book 2 and one operator on Book 4. Most recent contract settlements include Fulton County REMC, Whitewater Valley REMC and Vectren. Thanks to Vectren bargaining committee members Tim Overman, Mike Griggs, Jeff Rogers, Dan Gabbard and Bus. Agent Robert Fox for a job well-done during difficult negotiations. Stewards training for members employed by Hoosier Energy was held April 17, with more training to follow soon for our stewards working for other employers. Please work safe and attend your local union meetings. |
Welcome to New Members | |
L.U. 1523 (u), WICHITA, KS—We are beginning to see the fruits of our labor. We have turned out three new cable splicer journeymen: Sam Salas, Kyle Hazelwood and Brad Happy. Also, two journeyman linemen topped out: Jerod Vathauer and Shawn Honer. Congratulations to all. We also added to our membership the newly organized Mobil Data tech specialists of Westar Energy in Topeka and Wichita. We are happy to have them on board. Along with all this good news, we added the newly organized Asplundh Tree Experts serving Butler Rural Electric Cooperative. Congratulations and welcome to all our new Local 1523 members. As we continue to grow our numbers, let’s keep looking ahead to the future. Bus. Mgr. Merv Wiltshire met with the retirees of KG&E (former name of Westar) and Westar for breakfast in March, enjoying conversation and reminiscing. Eldon Sterack received his 60-year IBEW membership award
and pin at the breakfast. Congratulations to Eldon and all our members who kept the lights on over the decades. Our new Web page is up and running, in a limited fashion, while it is still under construction. Contact the union hall to let us know what you would like to see on your page. |
Enjoying Local 1523 union camaraderie are, from left, front row, new cable splicer journeymen Brad Happy, Kyle Hazelwood and Sam Salas; and second-year apprentice Ryan Bain. Back row, journeyman cable splicer Tom Homewood and foremen cable splicers Terry Fleming and Cory Saylor. |
New Graduating Class | |
L.U. 1547 (c,em,i,o,t&u), ANCHORAGE, AK—The Tom Cashen Alaska Joint Electrical Apprenticeship Training Trust proudly announces the graduation of a new class of wiremen and linemen. The wiremen are: Noel Brown, Jeff Bryant, Guy Carroll, Brian Faulkner, Billy Luce, Sterling Lundgren, Patrick Robichaud, Devin Rolland and John Schneider of Anchorage; James Davis, Brian Fairchild, Joseph Hosey and Jake Stedman of Juneau. The linemen are: Brad Baldridge, Billy Cannon, Leigh Conducy, Eric Gavalya, Jeremiah Holbrook, Nathan Maki, Travis Schultz and Toby Tremble of Anchorage; Justin Chaput of Juneau; Arthur Hedberg of Homer; Dirk Williams of Kodiak; and Brandon Klobucar of Soldtona. Local 1547 served as the host location for an Employee Free Choice Act letter-writing campaign. Members from more than a dozen local unions stopped by the hall in Anchorage to write a letter to their members of Congress. |
Work Situation to Improve | |
L.U. 1579 (i&o), AUGUSTA, GA—The bad economic conditions in our area are finally starting to improve. Our work situation at the Savannah River Site will improve thanks to the efforts of Bus. Mgr. Ken Ward and his leadership as president of the Augusta Building and Construction Trades. He made sure we all worked long days to gather information to submit to the Obama transition team when they were preparing for the stimulus package. Savannah River Site received almost $2 billion, which will put much of our membership to work for some time to come. We can all be proud that we have a business manager who puts this much effort into getting work for
our local. Remember, our union meeting is held the third Monday of each month; supper starts at 6:30 p.m. and the meeting starts at 8 p.m. |
Winter Ice Storm | |
L.U. 1701 (catv,ees,i,o&u), OWENSBORO, KY—The state of Kentucky was declared a state of emergency after a January ice storm took out power throughout the state for several weeks. The governor’s office contacted
Local 1701 to provide contractors and manpower for FEMA to help restore power to residential areas. Our Big Rivers Transmission group branch took a hard hit also and had to rebuild some of their transmission towers and
power lines. We thank all Big Rivers members, inside members and out-of-town IBEW contractors who worked long hours throughout the ordeal. Bus. Mgr. Gary Osborne appointed Bro. Larry Boswell as our new membership development coordinator due to the passing of Bro. Mike Roby. The Executive Board appointed Bro. Bryon Hunt to the Executive Board due to the retirement of Bro. Steve Thomson. The board also appointed Bro. Joe Fulkerson to a vacant position on the Examining Board. Bro. Kenny Rafferty signed a letter of assent and will be operating as Spectrum Electric. We look forward to working with Kenny. Phil Palmer, Don Turley, Jason Scott and Todd Armes passed the journeyman wireman exam. Welcome, brothers. The LMCC held a meeting in February. Daviess County Judge Executive Reid Haire was invited for discussions on the $160 million Owensboro Downtown Development project scheduled to start in 2010. We have commitments from public officials that all work will be done by local citizens. We mourn the passing of Bro. Joe Coffin and retired Bros. Tom Payne and Glenn Self. |
Economic Downturn | |
L.U. 1739 (i&o), BARRIE, ONTARIO, CANADA—The work picture remains slow in our area with the recent economic downturn. Many of our members are currently on the road. The auto industry has taken a major hit during this recession and this has affected a wide range of industries in our area. On a positive note, at the time of this writing, our local union hockey team was eagerly awaiting the annual IBEW hockey tournament scheduled for April 3-4, 2009, hosted by Local 3, New York, NY. We thank the following local unions for providing work opportunities for our members over the last several months: Local 1687, Sudbury; Local 894, Oshawa; Local 804, Kitchener; Local 120, London, ON; Local 586, Ottawa; and Local 424, Alberta. It is truly appreciated by the rank and file. |
Retirees | |
New Meeting Place | |
RETIREES CLUB OF L.U. 3, NEW YORK, NY, NORTH FLORIDA CHAPTER—Our chapter held its annual Christmas/Hanukah party at Benvenuto’s in Boynton Beach, FL, on Jan 9. The food, one-man band and dancing were excellent and fun! All the brothers and sisters had a great time, thanks to Norma Modena, who made the arrangements. A barbeque was held at South County Civic Center March 13. It was attended by nearly 100 retirees and their spouses and was another great outing. Our meetings include lively discussions ranging from the security of our pensions due to the current state of investments in this economy, to political debates regarding “Buy American” language in the economic stimulus bill. The chapter will meet in our new meeting place on the second Friday of each month at 10 a.m. in the Delray Beach South County Civic Center. Many of our members are “Snow Birds” and we welcome all Local 3 retirees to our affairs and meetings. No meetings are held during the summer. |
The Local 3, North Florida Chapter, Retirees Club annual picnic on March 13 at South County Civic Center was a great success. |
10-Day Caribbean Cruise | |
RETIREES CLUB OF L.U. 3, NEW YORK, NY, WEST FLORIDA CHAPTER—On Jan. 23, seven of our club members and their wives sailed on a 10-day southern Caribbean cruise aboard the Holland America ship “Noordam.” In addition to having a great time we met many interesting people sailing with us, including a young journeyman from the IBEW Honolulu Local 1186. This was our fourth cruise in as many years and we look forward to our next outing. |
Local 3, West Florida Chapter, Retirees Club members and their spouses enjoy a Caribbean cruise. |
Newly Chartered Chapter | |
RETIREES CLUB OF L.U. 3, NEW YORK, NY, SOUTHWEST FLORIDA GULF COAST CHAPTER—It’s official. On March 9, 2009, IBEW Int. Pres. Edwin D. Hill signed the charter for the Local 3, New York, NY, Southwest Florida Gulf Coast Retirees Chapter. It took the work of many Local 3 members to organize the chapter. Special thanks go to chapter members Edward Cleary, past president of Local 3, for his insight and wisdom; Pension Dir. Thomas Gallagher, for his belief in us that we could do it; and Local 3 Bus. Mgr. Christopher Erikson, who has supported us all the way from day one. Chapter meetings have been well-attended in an atmosphere of camaraderie and brotherhood. At the March meeting, at least 20 or more of the large construction projects were built over again and again. The chapter meets on the second Monday of each month, at 11 a.m., at The Golden Corral Restaurant at 4690 Colonial Blvd., Ft. Myers, FL. All Local 3 members are invited to attend. For further information, call Chapter Chmn. George Dondero at (239) 593-6297 or e-mail Gdondero@aol.com. |
Local 3, Southwest Florida Gulf Coast Chapter, Retirees Club members pose for a group photo after a meeting and luncheon. Among the group are, standing, from right: Chapt. Chmn. George Dondero; Dennis McSpedon, former president, Local 3; and Chapt. Trustee Edward Cleary. |
Bro. Leo Raffio Honored | |
RETIREES CLUB OF L.U. 3, NEW YORK, NY, CENTRAL FLORIDA CHAPTER—At our February regular meeting we honored Bro. Leo Raffio, 97-year-old “honor” member. Officers and members in attendance extended hearty congratulations and best wishes to Bro. Raffio. |
Spring Activities | |
RETIREES CLUB OF L.U. 3, NEW YORK, NY, WESTCHESTER/PUTNAM CHAPTER—We had a long, snowy winter. Hope everyone stayed safe and warm. Our annual Christmas/Hanukkah holiday party was very successful. Over 100 brothers and guests enjoyed wonderful food, dancing to great music, and socializing at the beautiful Traveler’s Rest Restaurant in Ossining, NY. Sadly, in January our beloved brother and former treasurer, Angelo Martin, passed away after a long illness. He will be greatly missed. At this late winter writing, we were looking forward to spring activities: a luncheon in April at Traveler’s Rest Restaurant, our annual golf outing at Beekman Country Club, and the union family picnic in June. We welcome all new retirees to our meetings, held the second Tuesday of each month at Local 3 headquarters on Bloomingdale Rd., White Plains, NY. Get the latest union information on benefits and other news. Enjoy coffee and cake, catch up with old friends and make new ones. |
Local 3, Westchester/Putnam Chapter, Retirees Club officers attend 2008 Christmas/Hanukkah party, from left: Marty Hogen, John Wasilko, Bill Robertson, Richard Mills, Dominic Pironti, John Hansen and Vincent Panzarino. |
Club Travel Plans | |
RETIREES CLUB OF L.U. 26, WASHINGTON, DC—This year our travel plans continue to take us to new places! We revisited Charlestown races and slots, and the Amish market and Kentmoor. We will take our third cruise, this time to the Caribbean, in August, conveniently leaving from Baltimore Harbor. The ship departs Aug. 27. If you still want to join the cruise, please contact Rick Warner at (240) 472-0438 ASAP! We continue to support Operation Paperback and as of this writing planned to send our sixth shipment after April 15! We elected our new officers for two-year terms: Pres. Dick Bissell; Vice Pres. Rick Warner; Treas. Terry Campbell, Rec. Sec. Teresa Watson and Sgt.-at-Arms Bill Leith. Appointed Executive Board members (per our new by-laws): Jerry Papa and Henry Becker. We thank our past recording secretary, Gene Long, for his dedication to the club serving in that position for 24 years. We presented him with a parting gift, and we hope he will be able to continue to attend meetings. We welcome new members and remind everyone that eligibility for joining is that: either you or your spouse/significant other are retired from Local 26, or that you have reached the age of 50. Our travel is open to any member of Local 26, their family and friends. |
Local 26 retired members receive service awards presented by Retirees Club Pres. Dick Bissell (third from right). Among award recipients are, from left: Kenneth Campbell, for 35-years of service; Julian Williams, for 45 years; Robert “Snuffy” Holcomb, 40 years; Anthony Epperhart, 45 years; Deborah Leach, 25 years; [Bissell]; Roy Brown, 45 years; and Alfred Leeyoung, 40 years. |
‘Upbeat Club Meetings’ | |
RETIREES CLUB OF L.U. 38, CLEVELAND, OH—For our January retirees meeting, our club president and his team had a FBI Responder Team in to show us how the FBI gathers evidence from a crime scene. The team demonstrated how to make footprint casts, finger prints, tire impressions, and use fibers for dogs to smell to track down a person. In February, we took a bus trip to Wheeling, WV, for shopping and sightseeing with our members and their spouses. And some of the group were fortunate enough to get Lucky 7’s. In March, we had corned beef and cabbage catered in to our monthly meeting. This is an annual event that everyone enjoys. Our club president and his staff keep our meetings upbeat and our members and their spouses love to attend. With the arrival of spring, more events are being planned. Our club is saddened by the passing of dear members and spouses. May God be with them and their families. God bless our troops and God bless America. |
Fishing Trips Planned | |
RETIREES CLUB OF L.U. 99, PROVIDENCE, RI—Since our last article, we enjoyed a well-planned Christmas luncheon where many of our members received service pins. Our Sunshine Committee visited our brothers who are not able to attend our functions, hoping to spread a little Christmas cheer. Now that we are approaching spring and the summer months, Bro. Robert Beardwood has planned three fishing trips for our enjoyment. In the past we have always had a great day on the water and I’m sure this year will be no exception. On the good news side we, like everyone else, were glad that Pres. Obama signed the stimulus bill into law; now our out-of-work brothers and sisters can be employed. Our monthly meetings are well-attended; we enjoy a nice lunch and the company of our retired brothers. It is a pleasure to see new faces and hopefully our club will continue to grow. We are saddened by the recent deaths of retired Bros. John Walsh, William Butler and Charles Purdy. May they rest in peace. We meet the third Tuesday of each month at 12 noon. Come and spend a couple of hours with your brothers and help us keep the spirit of brotherhood alive. |
Tribute to Guest of Honor | |
RETIREES CLUB OF L.U. 103, BOSTON, MA—The guest of honor at our March luncheon was 90-year-old Earnest Wilkins, joined by his wife, Connie. Ernie is a 33-year retired member. He is also a survivor of the 1941 attack on Pearl Harbor. Bro. Wilkins was assigned to the USS Arizona until weeks prior to the attack before he was transferred to the USS Crossbill, which was also in Pearl Harbor on Dec. 7, 1941. Ernie has received many awards over the years for his service to our country. Tears come to his eyes when he recalls the many shipmates he lost that day. Ernie and Connie are celebrating their 71st wedding anniversary. The Golf Club recently returned from our fifth sojourn to Florida. We are trying to figure a method to allow for a larger contingent of players. Mainly involved are logistics to feed, transport and house all who wish to participate. Local golf, which also attracts many retirees, commenced in April. We are also trying a cruise from Boston to the Maritime Provinces—in order to stimulate the economy and fraternity. The cruise is for 14 days and cabins begin at $1,099. Any member having difficulty adjusting to retirement can contact us at Local 103. We can get you involved in a number of activities. Remain active. |
Local 103 Retirees Club guest of honor retired Bro. Earnest Wilkins and his wife, Connie, attend March luncheon. |
Farewell to Pres. Clark | |
RETIREES CLUB OF L.U. 130, NEW ORLEANS, LA—Our former club president, Ron Clark, conducted his last meeting as president at the Dec. 9, 2008, Christmas party. Bro. Clark was elected March 16, 1995. Former vice president George Clesi is now president. Former board member Ron Gurtner is now vice president. Buddy Carver is secretary-treasurer. The following members are still on the board of directors: Henry Daries, Philip Fielding, Donald Meyer and Winfield Salathe Jr. Our next meeting will be June 25. For this meeting members may bring a guest and we will have food and refreshments. We will present IBEW watches to the following club members with 60 years of service: Henry Haas III and William Nauck. The labor movement lost a longtime friend, Bro. Joseph Bertucci, who passed away Feb. 13. Joe was a 62-year active member in IBEW Local 130 and executive secretary of the Southeast Louisiana Building and Construction Trade Council for the past 40 years. We are saddened to report the passing of: Bros. Freeman Ballard Jr., Joseph M. Bertucci, Raymond Ducote, Nathan Hankel, Lester L. Joubert Sr., Leo Klein, Nicholas J. LaPara, Andrew Militello Jr., Edward J. Oliver, Louis Schulz and Stephen P. Wilson Jr. May they rest in peace. Until our next article, God bless America. |
The Local 130 Retirees Club thanks Local 130 officers and staff for support of the club. Among local union officers and staff are, from left, back row: Pres. Manuel Galle, Chet Held, Clay Leon, Alvin Riley and Chad Lauga; front row, Stacey Rupp, Ann Musacchia, Jeanie Peterson, Dawn Hall and Bus. Mgr./Fin. Sec. Robert F. Hammond III. |
All Are Welcome | |
RETIREES CLUB OF L.U. 236, ALBANY, NY—The Retirees Club of Local 236 (also for members of former Locals 166, 438 and 724) was started over 35 years ago. We invite all retirees of these locals to join us on the first Tuesday of each month at 10:30 a.m. at the Labor Temple, 890 Third St., Albany, NY, on the second floor. Your attendance at these meetings will ensure that this club will be able to continue to serve our fellow retirees. Please come and join us for a good time. |
Attending a Local 236 Retirees Club meeting are: from left, seated, Jack Simmons, Phil Clemens, Mike Ray and Jim Porter; standing, Ken Hinckley, Earl Nelson, Ed Barbin, Joe Einzig, Jim Seiter and John Keon. (Photo by Jake Amsler.) |
Good Food & Fellowship | |
RETIREES CLUB OF L.U. 466, CHARLESTON, WV—Hello from wild, wonderful West Virginia. Thanks to our military servicemen and women and veterans for keeping us safe and comfortable. Thanks to all who rang the bells for the Salvation Army in past years. Please come to the union and retiree meetings so you can share a good meal before the meeting and share your much-needed opinion during the meeting. Remember the picnic this summer for more good food and fellowship. Many of you missed a good dinner-dance last New Year’s Eve. Mark it on your calendar for this year. Our future retirees are invited to their first eligible meeting to receive their choice of an IBEW pocket watch or wristwatch in honor of their years of Local 466 service. Our retirees from former Roanoke Local 637 are also most welcome, along with your spouse or guest, to club meetings held the first Wednesday of each month at 1:30 p.m. We pay our final respects to the following deceased members: Marshall Ferrell, John Hagerman Jr., Clifford Frame, Bernard McGraner Sr., Mike Searls, Bernard Todd and Richard Koontz Sr. |
Sarnia Happenings | |
RETIREES CLUB OF L.U. 530, SARNIA, ONTARIO, CANADA—Our members continue to support our Retirees Club with enthusiastic attendance at our monthly meetings. Often, our members comment on how fortunate we are for this chance to come together and enjoy quality time together. One highlight of 2008 was our Local 530 IBEW Retirees Golf Tournament, held the first Wednesday in September. Jack and Jackie McLellan and Tom and Anne Randall organize this event each year for us and every year it is a huge success. Teams of foursomes are compiled so that all have an equal chance of winning, using the “best ball” system. Everyone goes home with a prize. Bob Morrison donated a trophy for recognition of the best foursome of the day. The first plaque on the new trophy will read: “2008—Jackie McLellan, Bob Morrison, Tom Randall, Al Wetering.” Activities are planned for non-golfers by Terry Hungle and the tournament is followed by dinner enjoyed by all. We send our best wishes for continued good health to all retirees. |
Awarded “Best Foursome” at last year’s Local 530 IBEW Retirees Golf Tournament were, from left: Tom Randall, Jackie McLellan, Bob Morrison and Al Wetering. |
Charity Golf Tournament | |
RETIREES CLUB OF L.U. 558, SHEFFIELD, AL—On Dec. 11, 2008, we held our Christmas dinner and 85 people attended. As usual the food was good and everyone enjoyed the fellowship! We also had three past presidents of the local union and the current president attending. Current Local 558 Pres. Steve Crunk was joined by former presidents Glenn Young, Tom Whitfield and Larry Farmer. There is a lot of local union history behind these four men. Our efforts to raise funds for needy families went really well. Donations from the local union membership, our local contractors, and those who were in our charity golf tournament came to $4,600. With this we were able to help 22 families. Bro. Fred Pendergrass and Bro. Tommy Alexander worked hard to make the tournament a success and it was! Tee time was 8 a.m. and Bro. Doug Watkins and Bro. Danny Joe Rickard had to be there at 6:30 a.m. prepared to sign in the golfers. Thanks, brothers. We are already planning a tournament again this year. Our local union membership gave us a great boost in this year’s effort by donating $5,000 to our needy family fund! Our club members thank them very much. We will work hard to match that for the need out there. |
Attending Local 558 retirees dinner are, from left, former local union presidents Glenn Young, Tom Whitfield and Larry Farmer, joined by current Local 558 Pres. Steve Crunk. |
Holiday Luncheon | |
RETIREES CLUB OF L.U. 611, ALBUQUERQUE, NM—Local 611 retirees had their annual Christmas lunch and gift exchange Dec. 5, 2008, at a local Furr’s Buffet. It was a nice mini-reunion with 10 retirees and their spouses and/or guests attending. Bus. Mgr. Chris Frentzel and Pres. Carl Condit attended. Pictures of members dating back as far as 60 years were on display. The celebration was fantastic. All retirees are invited to participate in the ninth annual Local 611 softball tournament June 5-7. If you cannot participate, then come out, watch the games, have some hotdogs and burgers and enjoy the day. For information, call Carl Condit at the union hall, (505) 343-0611. The work situation in the jurisdiction is picking up. At press time, 90 are on Book One. The UNM cancer building, the Albuquerque studios and the Tri-labs are holding their own; Rio Rancho hospital is on hold. Our condolences to the families of brothers who passed away: retired journeyman wiremen Henry E. Carnell, Mike Barrera, James W. Tate, Patrick G. Duffy and Sherwell S. Buoy. Let’s remember our brothers who are in assisted living and nursing homes and those who are sick. They need that call from another brother. |
Local 611 retirees attend 2008 Christmas luncheon: from left: Local 611 Bus. Mgr. Chris Frentzel, Leo “Olie” Olson, James Meeks, Nap Duran, Carl Brown, Ralph Cochran, Harold Paschke, Vivian “Rainbo” Romero, Don Brady, Hal Kissenger and Tracy Hall. Local 611 Pres. Carl Condit snapped the photo. |
Quarterly Meeting | |
RETIREES CLUB OF L.U. 613, ATLANTA, GA—We, the retirees of Local 613, Atlanta, GA, had our quarterly meeting on March 18. The topic was our Death Benefit Fund. Local 613 Fin. Sec. David Collier explained to those present what family members of deceased members should do to receive benefits through the local and International death benefits. We mourn the passing of the following members: Tommy Burnett, William Pickett, William Folden, William Harper, Billy Woodall, Albert Folden, Jerry Strickland, Tommy Seals, John Jones, Jack Steele and Kenneth Cook. |
Summer Luncheon | |
RETIREES CLUB OF L.U. 654, CHESTER, PA—On June 25, 2008, retirees and guests were treated to their summer luncheon by the Local 654 membership. We are fortunate to have a summer luncheon and Christmas luncheon and we thank the members. It is a great chance to meet with “old” friends and renew acquaintances. Several service awards were presented to retirees: for 50 years of membership—Gerry Bannan, Bill Bryant, Lou Filippone, Jeep Hanley, Bob Hart, Dennis Killian, Lou Macauley, Berb Osborne, John Papili, Lou Papili, Al Simeone, Chuck Simmons, Jim Smith; for 5 years— Bill Simmons; and for 65 years—Lucien Metzger. We mourn the loss of retired Bros. Tyrone Johnson, Opie “Sam” Crotty, Jimmy Maher, Andy Bella and Al Gaiser Sr. |
Local 654 retiree Alfonse Simeone and his wife, Angie, enjoy 2008 retirees summer luncheon gathering. |
PG&E Negotiations | |
RETIREES CLUB OF L.U. 1245, VACAVILLE, CA—Retiree medical benefits were on the table as negotiations got underway March 23 between Local 1245 and Pacific Gas and Electric. The union proposed a variety of measures to not only reduce the burden on current retirees but also to create new approaches to dealing with the costs that will face future retirees. The union proposed that current retirees pay a fixed percentage of their medical premiums, replacing the current formula where retirees absorb all premium increases. For future retirees, the union proposed company-funded Retirement Medical Savings Accounts for employees and spouses, an option to convert unused sick leave and vacation upon retirement to Retirement Medical Savings Accounts, increasing the company match to the Retirement Savings Plan, and pension improvements. The union also proposed initiatives on “wellness” and an extension of the existing Retirement Premium Offset Account, among other proposals. The company is seeking greater cost-sharing by active employees on medical premiums. Retiree Club chapters in Dublin, San Jose, Santa Rosa, Vacaville and Merced have been pressing the company for several years to help reduce the burden on retirees, who have borne the full cost of all increases in medical premiums since the year 2000. Retirees have sent hundreds of letters to company officers asking for relief on medical premium costs. Any agreement reached at the bargaining table will have to be ratified by current members at PG&E. |
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