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September 2005 IBEW Journal

Graduation Time

L.U. 601 (i&rtb), CHAMPAIGN-URBANA, IL—On June 3, 2005, the Local 601 JATC held the annual apprenticeship graduation banquet at the Holiday Inn in Urbana. This was a great opportunity for friends and family members to come and honor the graduating apprentices for their well-earned accomplishments. Congratulations to the 2005 graduates: Residential Wiremen—Kenny Shrock and Jason Morgan; and Journeyman Wireman—Jason Wilkins, Kip Lange, Greg Carter, Ben Kinder, Steve Aders, Steve Richardson, Brandon Bailey, Keith Grob, Rick Mueller, John Rash, Cory Easter, Aaron Clark, Rich Pruitt, Jim Marler and Derek Tharpe..

Bros. Chuck Leman and Michael Herbert left June 19 for Benton Harbor, MI, for a Habitat for Humanity “Jimmy Carter Work Project.” Many IBEW Sixth District locals were represented at the event hosted by Local 153, South Bend, IN. In all, 20 houses were completed. Thanks to all the volunteers.

Congratulations to recent Local 601 retirees: Bob Henderson, Ron Moody, Dale Hubert Jr. and Hank Wright. Local 601 wishes you all a happy retirement.

Local 601 mourns the loss of retired member Andy Messmer. He will be deeply missed.

Chris Cook, P.S.

Work Fairly Steady

Local 611 graduating apprentices.

L.U. 611 (catv,es,i,lctt,o,spa&u), ALBUQUERQUE, NM—The Local 611 election of officers was held in June. Election results are as follows: Bus. Mgr. Chris Frentzel, Pres. Carl Condit, Vice Pres. Chris Chavez, Rec. Sec. Ron Chandler and Treas. Adolph Chavez; Executive Board members Matthew Bustos, Richard Sandoval, Perry Woolsey, Neil Davis, Ruben Romero, Bobby Martinez and Antonio Cruz; and Examining Board members Dennis Carriere, Perez Ciddio, David Griego, Jose Martinez and Joseph R. Sanchez. Congratulations to all. Out of 2,500 eligible voters, 800 sent in ballots.

As of this writing, work has been pretty steady for the last couple of months. For those of you who wondered why there was no Local 611 “Local Lines” article in the May 2005 issue of the IBEW Journal, the article was published in the June 2005 issue in the “IBEW Currents” section on page five.

On behalf of the local, I extend condolences to the friends and families of the following brothers who recently passed away: Benito N. Lujan, Reuben Mehlhaff, Charles G. Bartow and Jack Stevens.

Darrell J. Blair, P.S.

Skills Competition

New IBEW Local 625 members attend an
orientation conducted by the local.

L.U. 625 (ees,em,i,mar&mt), HALIFAX, NS, CANADA—In recent Local 625 elections the following officers were elected unopposed for a three-year term: Bus. Mgr./Fin. Sec. Cordell Cole, Pres. Tom Griffiths, Vice Pres. Bill MacEachern, Treas. Carter Milligan and Unit 4 Chmn. Greg Creaser. Also elected were Rec. Sec. Mitch Oickle, Unit 3 Chmn. Ken Hartt, Unit 2 Chmn. John Wayne Fougere, and Bro. John Fred Chisholm as Member From the Floor. Local 625 members appreciate the commitment of these newly elected brothers and also extend thanks to all who served for the previous three-year term.

Nova Scotia faired well in the National Skills Competition held in Edmonton, AB, in June. Nova Scotia’s team of 38 competitors brought home 13 medals, the most ever! Congratulations to all participants. In May 2006 the Nationals will be held in Halifax, NS. We are all very excited and preparations have already begun.

Local 625 volunteered to do the electrical work for two Habitat for Humanity homes in Dartmouth, NS, in August and September. Contact the hall for details and to sign up for a work detail. Congratulations to our new journeymen: Trevor MacDonald, Shane Boutilier and Robert Owens.

Tom Griffiths, Pres./P.S.

Modified Dispatch Rules

Local 639 graduating apprentices: Zack
Hanna, Lonny Glennen, Ty Richardson and
Robbie Flores.

L.U. 639 (i,o&rts), SAN LUIS OBISPO, CA—Local elections are over and the returns are in. Elected were: Bus. Mgr./Fin. Sec. Hank Lewis, Pres. Paul Lord, Vice Pres. Bob Steil and Treas. Derek Ehingher. Executive Board members are: Tom Monroe, James Reed, Mark Simonin and Mark Satterfield.

The site services contract at Diablo Canyon Nuclear Power Plant was awarded to Day and Zimmerman NPS. They took over from Atlantic/ URI July 1. Diablo’s next shutdown will start mid-October.

Local 639 modified the dispatch rules as recommended by Int. Pres. Edwin D. Hill. You may sign in initially anytime during business hours and re-sign quarterly, anytime during the first month of the quarter by letter, fax or in person. Three strikes will roll an applicant off the book.

We welcome four new journeyman wiremen. Robbie Flores, Lonny Glennan, Zach Hanna and Ty Richardson completed their apprenticeships and were honored at a dinner ceremony in June.

Local 639 held its annual Family Picnic and Golf Tournament June 25. Many active and retired members and their families attended the barbecue and awards ceremony. Retired Bro. Leo Woodward received his 55-year service pin. The third annual golf tournament fielded eight teams. Congratulations to winners Bro. Jack Welch and his foursome.

Hank Lewis, B.M./P.S.

William Patrick Retires

William “Bill” Patrick (center),
recently retired Local 665 business
manager, accepts a State of
Michigan tribute plaque presented
by state legislators Sen. Virg
Bernero (left) and Rep. Dianne

L.U. 665 (i,rts&spa), LANSING, MI—By the time you read this article William “Bill” Patrick, business manager, will have retired. Bill has served Local 665 as business manager for the last nine years and for many of us he has been the only business manager we have known. Bill also previously served Local 665 as president and Executive Board member. In total Bill has been in the electrical industry for 42 years.

At his retirement party, Bro. Patrick received a State of Michigan Special Tribute presented by state Sen. Virg Bernero and Rep. Dianne Byrum and signed by Gov. Jennifer M. Granholm. Our members extend sincere appreciation and gratitude to Bill Patrick for his strong commitment, unwavering leadership and dedicated service to Local 665. We wish you a found farewell, Bill, and much enjoyment in your retirement.

Congratulations to Nathan Piggott, fourth-year inside apprentice, for taking the gold medal in Industrial Motor Controls in Kansas City at the national Skills USA. Thanks go out to Jeremy Ballinger, a second-year apprentice, who represented the local in the residential wiring competition.

Jeremy Hidalgo, P.S.