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September 2004 IBEW Journal

Fall Activities

L.U. 363 (catv,em,govt,i,t,u&ws), NEW CITY, NYWe look forward to an exciting autumn season. Our annual clambake is Sept. 11, and on Oct. 8 we have our Graduation/ Retiree dinner dance. We are expecting 400 guests for the celebration in honor of the 2004 graduates and 2003 retirees.

Spring and summer were filled with activity as well. We participated in the Ancient Order of Hibernians St. Patricks Day parade on March 21. It was a great event attended by many labor groups, as well as U.S. Sen. Charles Schumer and U.S. Rep. Eliot Engel.

Our annual golf outing was May 8. The turnout was to capacity and, as always, the event was an enormous success. Thank you to all involved who volunteered their time and talents to keeping this the organized, accomplished event we look forward to each spring.

Timothy Poulin, P.S.

Special Tribute

L.U. 387 (em,lctt&u), PHOENIX, AZElection of our local union officers is complete. Three positions changed, and the newly elected are: Bus. Mgr Robert E. DeSpain; Power Plant Executive Board member Jeff Miller and Phoenix Executive Board member Michael Hintz. Congratulations to all elected officers!

Congratulations to linemen and electricians who passed their orals and are now looking for jobs. We are having issues with the smaller companies we represent. With our summer season upon us, the membership is busy with lots of work.

Retired IBEW member Rodney W. Phipps reports that his son Staff Sgt. Rodney B. Phipps, U.S. Army, was awarded a Bronze Star medal for courageous combat actions in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom. A citation for the award stated: "Sgt. Phipps courage and personal sacrifice uphold the highest military traditions and reflect distinct credit upon himself, the 5th Special Forces Group (Airborne) and the U.S. Army."

The elder Phipps worked as a traveler in Local 387s jurisdiction with Arizona Public Service for many years. We pay tribute to all IBEW members who are serving, or have family members serving, our country in the military overseas.

Sam Hoover, Pres.

Officers Elected

Local 401 Bus. Mgr.
Tim McGough.

.L.U. 401 (c,i,o,rts&st), RENO, NVCongratulations to the Graduating Apprentice Class of 2004. Our new inside journeymen are: Casey Bean, Aaron Bissell, Christopher Bumb, Jason Carlton, Chris Gilwee, Dugan Hadler, Curt Jentzsch, Mitch Jones, Peter Laubscher, Alan Nishimoto, Joel Perry, Jason Pistone, Eric Reedy and Matthew Stahlke. The new S&C installers are Robin Rosario and Ron Allega.

We also congratulate the newly elected officers of Local 401: Bus. Mgr./Fin. Sec. Tim McGough, Pres. Ralph Doucette, Vice Pres. Bill Byrne, Rec. Sec. Gary Slattengren, and Treas. Kevin Horner. Elected to the Executive Board: Myles Schwebke, Mike Affinito, Steven Combs, Bert Gamble and Tony Lau. Newly elected to the Examining Board: Bart McAfee, Karren Goulet, Jim Dunning, Kirk Taylor and Matt Stahlke.

The annual Local 401 Golf Tournament held June 12 was a great success. A foursome led by Todd Davis won. Thanks to all who participated. At this writing, our local was looking forward to its annual picnic scheduled for Aug. 14 at Rancho San Rafael Park in Reno. Our softball team did a good job this year. We look forward to a new season.

J. Gabrielli, P.S.

Job Well Done

Local 405s JATC graduating class celebrates at a cookout held
at the union hall.

L.U. 405 (em,i,rtb&spa), CEDAR RAPIDS, IACongratulations on a job well done to Local 405s  2003-2004 graduating apprentices. We turned out 23 Inside wiremen, three Residential wiremen and five VDV technicians.

The award for "Outstanding Graduating Apprentice" went to Eric Phillips and runner up was Tim Kohrs. Our annual turnout barbeque at the union hall was well attended. Thanks to all who helped make it a night to remember.

Bus. Mgr. Joe Luense is working hard to make our membership aware of just how important November elections are for working people. We all must work hard to bring needed change this fall. Lets focus on the "big picture" and not just the small personal issues.

Thanks to all Negotiation Committee members. Their hard work paid off with our recent C.I.R. results. Great job!

Our work picture still looks slow. Although our contractors are talking optimistic, we have yet to see much positive movement in our out-of-work list. Thanks to all the locals that have provided our members with work. We hope we can reciprocate soon. Lets hope the work outlook will improve when we vote the "son-of-a-Bush" out of office come November!

Greg Grant, P.S.

Graduates Honored

Attending the Local 413 JATC graduation for the
Class of 2004: (L-R), Anthony Benoit, Tele
Hernandez, James Brown, Paul Roberts, Brian Gregory,
Jon Leslie, guest speaker Brooks Firestone, Lee
Peneranda, Ron Boyd, Erik Reid, David Herrmann,
Juan Vital, NECA Chapter Mgr. Jerri Booth,
Bus. Mgr. Chuck Huddleston and Pres./Organizer
Joe Furino. Glenn Neal not pictured.

L.U. 413 (em,i&o), SANTA BARBARA, CACongratulations to our Graduating Class of 2004: Anthony Benoit, Ron Boyd, James Brown, Brian Gregory, Tele Hernandez, David Herrmann, Jon Leslie, Glenn Neal, Lee Peneranda, Erik Reid, Paul Roberts and Juan Vital.

Guest speaker for the occasion was Brooks Firestone, First District Santa Barbara County supervisor-elect. Brian Gregory will be sent to NTI as a reward for being named the Outstanding Graduate. David Herrmann garnered the Instructors Award. Undergraduate award winners were Aaron Holtgrewe, Miguel Cruz, Andy Freitas, Matthew Johnson and Nathan Quackenbush. The incoming first-year apprentice class will be our biggest ever, marking our consistent growth. The JATC is looking to improve instruction next year, especially "hands on" instruction.

We are excited that our local LMCC will provide financing for the football scoreboard at the new Pioneer Valley High School in Santa Maria. Our Partnering Committee will provide the expertise and labor for the scoreboard installation.

We look forward to occupying our new two-story office building early next year. Bro. Jerry Wood is heading up the solar installation. Work has been very good and looks to be good for the near future. Please attend union meetings and get involved!

Chuck Huddleston, B.M./F.S.