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Survey Shows Union Advantage Growing

As a percentage of the work force, the number of union members in the private sector is declining. But an Economic Policy Institute analysis shows that more than ever, membership has its privileges.

According to new data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, unions have been able to preserve health, retirement and time-off benefits for their members. In contrast, nonunion workers have been unable to resist the shifting burden of health care cost hikes increasingly placed on them by employers. Union members are far more likely to be covered by health care and retirement benefits than nonunion workers and far less likely to be forced to contribute to the cost of those plans.

The analysis is based on a survey of 4,703 work sites covering 102.3 million workers. In addition to benefits, union workers have also managed to win higher percentage wage increases, with annual hikes for union workers averaging 3 percent compared with 2.5 percent for nonunion workers. Because of the rapidly rising health care costs, total compensation for union workers rose by 5.8 percent, compared with 3.4 percent for nonunion workers.

The results include:


The vast majority of union workers 89 percent have access to employer-provided medical benefits, compared with 67 percent of nonunion workers. 73 percent of union workers have dental care coverage, compared with 43 percent of nonunion workers. 56 percent of union workers have vision care benefits; only 26 percent of nonunion workers have such a benefit.

Union workers are less likely to pay at all for medical insurance. For single employee coverage, the employer pays all costs for 43 percent of union workers, but only 21 percent of nonunion workers receive employer-paid coverage.

33 percent of union workers receive family medical coverage from their employer, but only 7 percent of nonunion workers receive fully paid family coverage from their employer.


Only 21 percent of all workers are covered by defined benefit retirement plans, traditional pension plans with a predetermined benefit paid out for life after retirement. Only 10 percent of all private sector employers offer this benefit. 70 percent of all union workers are covered by a defined benefit plan.


Union workers are more likely to receive employer-provided life insurance and twice as likely to have short-term disability coverage.


When it comes to paid time off, union members also have it better. Union workers with 20 years of service receive an average of 22.3 vacation days per year while nonunion workers get 18.1.