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IBEW Sisters Featured in AFL-CIOs
America At Work

October 5, 2004

Carla Bryson and Betty LaPointe are New England IBEW activists who are leading efforts to turn out members at the polls on November 2. They are featured in the September/October issue of America At Work, the AFL-CIOs magazine.

LaPointe, a mill machine operator at Raytheon Corp.s Sudbury, Massachusetts plant, vice president of IBEW Local 1505, says member-to-member phone calls and house visits are what "really sway people." She tells America At Work, "I have been able to change some minds of the Independents, the swing voters, when I tell them I believe John Kerrys jobs plan is going to work and bring jobs back home from overseas and create new ones. If we dont pull together and get him elected, there may not be such things as unions anymore."

Carla Bryson, a Verizon employee from Local 2327 in Portland, Maine, serves as her locals Mobilization 2004 coordinator. She says: "The security of our nation is a top priority these days. The best way to achieve that is to support unions and encourage organizing. Unions provide security and stability to American families..." Brysons interview and those of other activists is accessible online at http://www.aflcio.org/aboutaflcio/magazine/0904_reports_field.cfm

IBEW Local 1505 Web site
AFL-CIO's America@Work Magazine, Sept./Oct. 2004
Mobilization 2004: Mobilizing for Victory