December 2003 IBEW Journal
L.U. 238 (i,mo,o&u), ASHEVILLE, NC--The Local 238 annual picnic in August was a great success. It was wonderful to be with members and retirees who came and shared incredible stories of days gone by. Pat Hagan and Ken Lackey retold the story of Creation. The story goes that when God said "Let There be Light," Pat and Ken hooked up the temporary power. Three very special brothers were honored with certificates and pins for their faithful years of service. Bros. Pat E. Hagan and Kenyon J. Lackey were presented with 50-year awards and Bro. Joseph W. Bumgarner received his 55- year award. We have been asked once again by the Asheville Merchants Association to marshal the Asheville Holiday Parade, scheduled for Saturday, Nov. 22, 2003, from noon to 5 p.m. Please help if at all possible. We need all the volunteers we can get. Please call the union hall if you can help. Rick Sluder, Pres. L.U. 278 (em,govt,i&o), CORPUS CHRISTI, TX--The Brotherhood Committee of Local 278 is putting together a Service Pin Ceremony to honor members with 10 or more years of service. We look forward to seeing old friends and making new ones. The Valero Refining GDU Project is well underway with about 70 plus hands so far. The N.R. Johnston and J.R. Electric joint venture at the multipurpose arena and expansion to the Spohn Shoreline Hospital are coming along slowly. These two projects should be going pretty good in late fall. Fairbain Electric was awarded the jobs at Texas A&M, the Harte Center for Gulf of Mexico Research and the Gulf Compress Warehouse that is part of La Quinta Container Port. We mourn the loss of Bros. A.A. Stark, Bobbie Gene Kruse, Frank Self, Frank Sevcik and Odus Johns. Mike Carranco, Pres.
L.U. 280 (c,ees,em,es,i,mo,mt,rts& st), SALEM, OR--Our September picnic was fantastic, with great weather and friends coming together and meeting new acquaintances. Picnic Committee Chmn. Eric Hale, his wife, Traci, and helpers Teresa Howard, Dave Baker, Drew Lindsey, Dick Murdock, Dennis and Brandie Caster, MaryAnne Murdoch, Chuck Bunnell and Londa Anklam put in a great effort to make this a memorable time. The hair is a little grayer but the smiles and energy of our great members have never changed! It is always a pleasure to see everyone and share stories and memories! A big thanks also to the helpers who attended booths at the Oregon State and Deschutes county fairs: Greg Creal, Drew Lindsey, Donna Campbell, Tom Mann, Allen Dewitt, Ken Tree, Mike Shoenhals, Verle Strickler and Dennis Patrick. The booths were heavily visited and distributed information on unionism, apprenticeship, and wage and hour laws. Many fine IBEW brothers and sisters stopped to say hi. Jerry Fletcher, P.S. L.U. 300 (govt,i,mt&u), MONTPELIER, VT--Our Local 300 Pres. George Clain was selected as executive vice president of the Vermont State AFL-CIO in the elections held in September. We also congratulate Sean Butler on being elected vice president--and we got unanimous approval on our resolutions on utility restructuring and on protecting Vermonts generating facilities. Thanks to all our delegates who helped make this all happen. Our local has received final order from the Vermont Public Service Board in our two-year battle to make Verizon quit setting creosote poles. Members who are interested can access the Vermont Public Service Boards Web site and look for Docket #6763. Our thanks to our sister Local 2326 in helping eliminate the disastrous effects these poles were having on our membership. Leigh A. Girouard, R.S.
L.U. 306 (i), AKRON, OH--Congratulations to our graduating classes of 2003. Residential graduates are: Philip Ciancio, Matthew Donnelly, Marvin Hollis, James Jansen III, Michael Keith, Robert Logsdon, James McGuinness, Joseph Quesenberry, Alisha Smith, Matt Smith, Christopher Stevens and Timothy Thomas. Inside graduates are: Terri Dukes, Richard Eyre, Peter Hafler, David Hickel, Gregory Jarvis, Kevin Karpinski, Richard Klimczak, David Lupardus, Seth Lyons, Ron Schneider, Gregory Schott, Brian Speer, Caren Stutzman, Joseph Vorachek, Keith Waffen, Leonard Williams Jr., Robert Walsh, George Wingler and Norman Yanik. Outstanding Achievement awards were presented to top students Gregory Schott (Inside) and Alisha Smith (Residential) in their respective classes. Guest speaker for the graduation ceremony was James Peters, of Peters Tschantz & Bandwen Inc., Consulting Engineers. Our Building Corporation, with approval of the body at the September meeting, entered into an agreement to sell our old building. It had been empty a long time and we will be happy to see it occupied. We mourn the passing of Bro. Paul Renner, age 55, and retireed Bros. Gene Thompson and Eugene Burtscher. Robert Sallaz, V.P./P.S. |