2003 IBEW Journal
Retirees Honored
Local 134 retirees, proud union
members all. |
RETIREES CLUB OF L.U. 134, CHICAGO, IL-At our March luncheon we
held an election for our Executive Board. But the highlight was
sharing with our 50- and 55-year retirees. Many past jobs were discussed-our
retirees remembered them like they were still working. Congratulations
to all. Go for "Sixty."
Elected to the Executive Board were Bros. Harry Bostrom, Irv Blazynski,
and Hugh O'Connell.
Our Annual John Cummins Golf outing was held in September. The results
will be forthcoming.
As we look back on the past three years, are we better off? Think
2004!Stay warm, stay healthy and remember we are all union.
Dick Bronars, P.S.
Open Welcome
Local 428 Retirees
Club member Les
Johnson displays his
Alaska catch. |
CA-One of our retired members, Les Johnson, and his wife, Elaine,
took a trip to Alaska this summer and reported back to the Retirees
Bro. Johnson wrote they were having a great time and catching a
lot of fish. He sent a picture of a fish he caught and said he was
using this one for bate to catch the big one. We looked at the picture
and decided his story might be a little fishy. Regardless, it looked
like a pretty good catch to us. We look forward to seeing pictures
of the big ones at our next breakfast.
We hold our Retiree's Club breakfast the first Tuesday of each month,
9:30 a.m., at Hodels Buffet restaurant.
If any of you retirees are passing through, please join us for breakfast.
You are certainly welcome. If you need directions to Hodels, call
our union hall in Bakersfield at (661) 323-2979 or stop by the hall.
Ivan Beavan, Jr., P.S.
December Holiday Party
Local 606 Retirees Club members
spouses traditionally prepare a festive
holiday luncheon for the club. From left,
Bob Bean, Retirees Club Pres. Bob Hamburg,
Betty Hamburg, Elizabeth Marchese, Shirley
Bean, Vernette Graves, Barbara Griffis and
Dorothy Walizer. |
Club members encourage all Local 606 retirees to join the club.
A luncheon meeting is held once a month, except June, July and August.
There's plenty of good food and great fellowship at club meetings.
If interested please call Retirees Club Pres. Bob Hamburg or the
Credit Union at the union hall for more information.
Retirees Club members also prepare a beautiful Christmas luncheon
at holiday time. Retirees and their spouses decorate the union hall
for a festive gathering.
Janet D. Skipper, P.S.
Artists' Display
Local 639 Retirees Club members
a Wyndham Residence art exhibition.
Retirees Club Pres. Stan Garland,
standing, center, is flanked by Executive
Board members Gordon Reed and Art
Michels. Seated at right is Retirees Club
Press Secty. Bill Papich and also pictured
is resident Jacoba Clark, who at age 97
still reads the newspaper without glasse |
CA-The Wyndham Residence of Arroyo Grande was recently the host
to several Local 639 Retirees Club members at Wyndham's Second Annual
Water Color Painting Display.
Attending the exhibition were Retirees Club Pres. Stan Garland,
Retirees Club Executive Board members Gordon Reed and Art Michels,
and Retirees Club Press Scty. Bill Papich, a Wyndham resident. Also
pictured in the accompanying photo is Wyndham resident Jacoba Clark,
who at 97 years young still reads the daily newspaper without glasses!
Bill Papich, P.S
Good Times
Local 654 Retirees luncheon attendees,
to right, Bro. Joe Hutty, Elizabeth Hutty, Bro.
Jerry Beebe, Judy Beebe, Bros. Bill Mohr
and Bob Groff. |
RETIREES CLUB OF L.U. 654, CHESTER, PA-At our June retirees luncheon,
Bros. Ed Martin, Jack Wilson and Denny Killian shared old photos
and reminisced. Bro. Dan Chambers brought a newspaper article to
show Bro. Jerry Bannan and his wife, Connie. It was a photo taken
of Connie modeling during a charity fashion show. She still looks
very nice.
I ventured into the foray and snapped the photo shown with this
entry. It's a shot of Bro. Joe Hutty and his wife, Elizabeth. Bro.
Hutty said he's celebrating his 80th birthday this year. He always
looks the same. Also seated at their table are Bro. Jerry Beebe,
his wife, Judy, Bros. Bill Mohn and Bob Groff. Unfortunately I missed
their wives in the picture.
Bro. Beebe and I worked for several years out of Local 143, Harrisburg,
PA. And that was shutdown in 1993 at Three Mile Island. It was Two
Mile Island when we were there. While working there my physical
found that I developed diabetes. I didn't even know I had it, and
people often don't. So, next visit to your doctor, get it checked.
T. Francis "Jeep" Hanley,