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April 2003 IBEW Journal

Negotiations Underway

L.U. 26 (ees,em,es,govt,i&mt), WASHINGTON, DC Negotiations are currently underway for our inside and residential wireman agreements. We appreciate the suggestions from our members. Attend your union meetings and keep informed.

Many members have taken action to renew their DC licenses. We are pleased to see this initiative, as it is becoming a very important issue.

Springtime in Washington, DC, is always a beautiful time of year and finds us in full swing preparing for the Dollars Against Diabetes golf outing. Bro. Chuck Graham is coordinating the outing, which appears to be another successful event reaching capacity participation. Diabetes is the big winner, thanks to our member participation and sponsorship of our electrical contractors and business associates.

The Scholarship Committee is evaluating the many applications received and will announce the recipients in an upcoming Journal article and the Local 26 Newsletter. Thanks to all participants. You all deserve recognition.

Local 26 is saddened to report the following deaths: Bro. Dwayne Cuddy and retired Brothers Robert Favreau, Robert Tucker, Richard T. Moore, Sam Matzuk, David R. Able, Severin Bujarski and Buford F. Kelly, Jr.

The following members have retired since our last article: Arthur R. Campli, Jr., James F. Rainey, Richard K. Ramberg, Joseph E. Wade, Patrick M. Ready, Larry L. Henley, Paul J. Rosasco, Vorris Williams, Maurice Katz, James L. Kieffer, Charles K. Cannon, Jr. and Waller T. Jenkins.

Howard L. Ritchie, Jr., B.M.

Lee Hall Mourned

L.U. 34 (em,i,rts&spa), PEORIA, IL Bro. Lee Hall passed away in December 2002. He will be respectfully remembered as a stand-up union wireman. In the 1960s Bro. Hall represented members of Local 184 (Galesburg) as business manager before they joined Peorias local. Not only did Lee serve as the business manager, he also served as president, secretary, treasurer and Executive Board member. He was an active union leader, a contractor, and also taught at the apprenticeship training school.

Lee worked for a while as a traveler in California, and then returned to Galesburg to start his own shop. In 1969 Lee opened Halls Electric Service, where his sons Mike Hall (Galesburg bus. rep.) and Kevin Hall worked for their dad. He retired from the trade in 1990. One of his greatest pleasures in life was being on the golf course. Bro. Hall started and organized the annual IBEW Local 34 golf outing, now in its 14th year. A motion was passed at a recent union meeting to rename the golf outing the "Lee Hall Memorial Golf Outing." The officers, staff and members send sincere condolences to Bro. Halls family and friends.

Jason Norton, P.S.

Bidding More Jobs

Local 38, Cleveland, OH, Bro.
Rob Mauch (Santa), with Sam
and Seamus Meaney.

L.U. 38 (i), CLEVELAND, OH Local 38 recently sponsored the Capstone Course for members. The course covered starting and running a profitable electrical contractor business and basic electrical construction estimating. It was put on to encourage more members to go into business and fill in the niches of work being bid by larger contractors. We had 42 members take the course and several are serious about pursuing the residential, teledata or inside agreements.

Organizing has focused heavily on the teledata and residential branch for several months now.

We would like to thank Bro. Rob Mauch, who as a personal friend of Santa Claus was able to get Santa to come to the Local 38 Christmas Party again this past year to delight the many children there.

The party was a great success, with over 1,500 members and their families attending. The kids loved the variety show and the bags of candy and gifts they received. Thanks to all who served on the Christmas Party Committee.

Even with the economy down, housing starts are up, which has allowed us to strip residential wiremen from shops and substantially increase our residential market share.

Dennis Meaney, Organizer


L.U. 48 (c,em,i,rtb,rts&st), PORTLAND, OR There have been many transitions in Local 48 and the state of Oregon. Bro. Dan Gardner has taken the reins as Oregon Labor Commissioner. His guidance is needed as Oregon still leads the nation in unemployment, as reflected by the number of brothers and sisters on the books. Governor Ted Kulongoski (D) has made finding living wage jobs for Oregonians his priority. That leadership is sorely needed to help speed a lasting economic recovery for the state.

Int. Pres. Ed Hill appointed Bus. Mgr./Fin. Sec. Keith Edwards as a Ninth District International Representative, effective Jan. 1. 2003. Keith will stay in Portland to service IBEW locals in Oregon and will report to Ninth Dist. Int. Vice Pres. Mike Mowrey. Bro. Edwards came into Local 48 through the apprenticeship program after high school graduation and has held the positions of business representative, assistant business manager and business manager/financial secretary.

The Executive Board appointed Bro. Grant Zadow to succeed Keith as business manager/financial secretary for the unexpired term. Bro. Zadow also came into Local 48 through the apprenticeship program and has held the positions of president, business representative and assistant business manager prior to his appointment.

Dave Jacobsen, P.S.

Historic Renovation

Local 58, Detroit, MI, members from Motor City Electric
install ductwork at Greenfield Village. They are Mike Reid,
Sean Barnett, Keenan Maples, Will Isbey, Ken Konopka,
Bill Hornett, Dave Vezina and Dan Nowicki. (photo by
Steven Mariani).

L.U. 58 (em,i,rtb&spa), DETROIT, MI Detroit is experiencing a high level of unemployment at this writing, with approximately 25 percent of our work force idle. The Super Bowl will be held in Detroit in 2006, and we are hoping for some downtown development in the near future.

Everyone in this area is familiar with Greenfield Village, and since September 2002 the park has been in the midst of a $15 million renovation. Work for journeyman wiremen includes power upgrade, controls, lighting and communications. Motor City Electric workers have placed over 90 miles of underground 4-inch PVC banks and will be landing 460 light poles. Bros. Dwain Rudel and Dave Hackstock had to route the work without damaging some of the oldest and unique trees living in the Village. Triangle Electric is responsible for the panels and connection to the duct banks, no easy task when you are dealing with historic buildings. Conti electricians are pulling in 13.2 to the on-site powerhouse. The Henry Ford is scheduled to reopen June 1, 2003.

Thanks to everyone who supported the Benevolent Fund by participating in the Super Bowl party. Once again, we had great food, prizes and fun for all the fans. A hearty cheer to those who made the party a success. This is a fun way to support your local, so put it on your calendar for next year.

Kathy Devlin, P.S.