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International Officers and Research and Technical Services Director Doug Fisher welcome the 2002 Scholarship Selection Committee. (L to R): Dr. Roger Keeran, professor, SUNY-Empire State College; Carole W. Wilson, Esq., Associate General Counsel for Litigation, U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development; President Hill; Secretary-Treasurer O Connor; Noel Borck, Impartial Secretary, National Maintenance Agreements Policy Committee, Inc.; and Director Fisher.


IBEW Founders' Scholarship


September 2002 IBEW Journal

In 1966, the IBEW instituted the Founders Scholarship to honor the memory of the wiremen and linemen who founded the union in St. Louis on November 28, 1891. Each year since 1966, scholarships have been awarded on a competitive basis to qualified IBEW members who demonstrate scholastic achievement, community involvement, and a desire to use their education to advance the principles of the Brotherhood and trade unionism. Nearly 200 scholarships have been awarded since the programs inception.

This years Scholarship Selection Committee included Noel Borck, Impartial Secretary, National Maintenance Agreements Policy Committee, Inc.; Dr. Roger Keeran, professor, State University of New York-Empire State College; and Carole W. Wilson, Associate  General Counsel for Litigation, U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development.

President Edwin D. Hill and Secretary-Treasurer Jeremiah J. OConnor extend their congratulations to the winners: Brothers David Adams of Local 441, Santa Ana, California, and Kevin Ruth of Local 134, Chicago, Illinois.

David M. Adams

Brother Adams is an instructor in the Orange County apprenticeship program and is pursuing an undergraduate degree in electrical engineering. Since beginning his own apprenticeship in 1979, Brother Adams has actively supported the IBEW by regularly attending and participating in local membership meetings. "Dave has distinguished himself as a dedicated and loyal union member," said Local 441 Business Manager Douglas Chappell. "He has always taken an active interest in the internal workings of the union and has been a strong advocate of unionism, respecting the democracy it provides for its members."

Brother Adams has built a reputation for hard work, excellence and personal responsibility. His dedication to his union, his craft, his students at the Orange County Electrical Joint Apprenticeship and Training Trust, and his fellow classmates in the electrical engineering program has earned the respect of his union brothers and sisters, his employers and his professors. "He has demonstrated a dedication to improving the education and development of every apprentice in his classes," said Richard Vining, training director, Orange County JATT.

His professors at Fullerton College praised Brother Adams as a dedicated student who consistently works hard and who is always willing to help other students understand difficult concepts. "His was a voice that never drowned that of others, but, instead, encouraged an active and meaningful exchange of ideas," one professor said.

Adams enjoys his studies and will attend part-time this fall, beginning full-time in January. He is currently employed as an electrician during the day and a JATT instructor in the evenings. He looks forward to graduation and future challenges.

Brother Adams is very involved in his community, attending school board and city council meetings to speak in support of labor issues and project labor agreements. As a volunteer, he refurbishes the homes of the elderly and offices of non-profit organizations. A firm believer that every vote counts and that labor must elect politicians who support our issues, Brother Adams makes sure that his voice is heard in all elections.

Kevin L. Ruth

"We must be trained, educated and technically adept. The Founders Scholarship provides a way for members to step up and provide leadership in our extremely important and ever-changing field." These words by Brother Kevin Ruth underscore his reasons for furthering his education to attain a degree in electrical engineering and computer engineering. A veteran of the U.S. Army and member of IBEW Local 134 since 1995, Brother Ruth plans to continue his education after receiving his undergraduate degree. His goal is to become actively involved in the apprenticeship program as an instructor, administrator or in policy formulation. He is especially interested in curriculum and program development.

While attending Chicago State University, Brother Ruth was selected as the 1998 recipient of the Al Raby Memorial Scholarship by the Department of History, Philosophy and Political Science in recognition of his "outstanding scholarly work" and significant contributions to the university. For his scholastic achievements, his biography was published in The National Deans List, 1997-98.

Brother Ruth is actively involved in his community as founder and CEO of the Urban Expansion Development Corporation, a non-profit organization established to construct or rehabilitate urban properties for middle- to lower-income families. He is also a member of the National Fatherhood Initiative, a national, non-profit organization dedicated to improving the well-being of children in America. He is the proud father of four children. Appreciative of the excellent training he received as an IBEW member and with a strong desire to make a contribution to his union, he struggled to continue his education as his family grew. "I want to give something back to the IBEW for the opportunities that I have received as a memberI will use this scholarship to continue my studies in a field that will both enhance me personally and contribute to the advancement of the Brotherhood." His excitement at being selected a Founders Scholar is shared by his entire family.


The committee chose two alternates this year. Sister Karen Simpson has been a member of Local 1393, Indianapolis, Indiana, since 1994. She is a journeyman measurement specialist at Indiana Gas, pursuing an electrical engineering degree. Brother Gary Beckstrand of Local 354, Salt Lake City, Utah, has been an IBEW member since 1993. Brother Beckstrand is an instructor with the Utah Electrical Joint Apprenticeship Training Committee and is pursuing a degree in human resource development.

The Founders Scholarship is open to qualified IBEW members only. The scholarship awards $200 per credit hour at any accredited college or university toward a bachelors degree in an approved field. The scholarship ends upon graduation or after $24,000 has been disbursed over a period not to exceed eight years. Applicants must submit transcripts, SAT or ACT examination scores, a rsum, and a 250-500 word essay on how the scholarship will benefit the Brotherhood and the electrical industry. Applications must be postmarked prior to May 1, 2003. They may be downloaded from this Web site at Founders Scholarships.

Founders' Scholarships Rules and Application

Brother David M. Adams

Brother Kevin L. Ruth and his wife, Erica, with children (L to R) Luqmann, Naphtalia, Rahmaan and Ankobia.