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Railroads Get Shortchanged

May 2002 IBEW Journal

All Aboard
Railroads Get Shortchanged
IBEW's Stake in the Fight
Proposals on Capital Hill
Railroad Retirement Ramifications
To place Amtraks cost to taxpayers in perspective, consider that the federal government subsidizes road construction at approximately $300 billion a year, according to Robert Banks, a transportation economist. And what about the recent airline bailout following September 11? If the government was ready to shell out $10 billion to keep the airlines flying, then $1 billion for passenger rail is peanuts, he said.

In a March appearance on Capitol Hill, AFL-CIO Transportation Trades Department Executive Director Edward Wytkind urged legislators to invest in the long-term viability of Amtrak. No other segment of Americas transportation system is forced to meet its capital and operating needs without substantial government assistance. Congress must put an end to this double standard.

Wytkind spoke for the 34 affiliated transportation unions in the federation, including the 12 rail unions representing most of Amtraks 25,000 employees in the heavily unionized industry. He said continued neglect has contributed to Amtraks significant debt load, millions of dollars in deferred capital and maintenance, a $5.8 billion capital backlog built up over 30 years of under-investment and unmet security needs. The Transportation Trades Department director criticized the glide-path to self-sufficiency, the five-year plan that he said has strangled Amtrak operations and denied Amtrak workers job security and fair wages.

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All Aboard | Railroads Get Shortchanged | IBEW's Stake in the Fight
Proposals on Capital Hill | Railroad Retirement Ramifications

"No other
segment of Americas
system is forced
to meet its capital
and operating
needs without