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Convention Ratifies Caucus Choices for IVPs and IEC Members

October/November 2001 IBEW Journal

The convention formally ratified on Wednesday the election of International Vice Presidents and International Executive Committee members chosen Monday night in their district caucuses. Under the IBEW Constitution, candidates for these offices are selected in these meetings by secret ballot on the basis of one local, one vote. The successful candidates are formally placed in nomination before the full convention; the candidates accept the nomination and the convention then officially ratifies the action of the caucuses.

After the nominations, with the conventions approval, International Secretary-Treasurer OConnor cast a unanimous ballot for all 11 of the International Vice Presidents, the eight members of the International Executive Council, and the delegates to the various labor conventions.

President Hill then extended the thanks of the convention to the judge and tellers for the elections.

Delegates To Other Conventions 

AFL-CIO Convention (2)

Ralph Ranghelli
Local 1049, Long Island, New York

Larry Scott
Local 16, Evansville, Indiana

Canadian Labour Congress (2)

Gerald Shanahan
Local 1852, Sydney, Nova Scotia

John Briegel
Local 254, Calgary, Alberta

Metal Trades Department (2)

William "Chico" McGill
Local 733, Pascagoula, Mississippi

Gwendolyn Lee
Local 46, Seattle, Washington

Maritime Trades Department (1)

John ORourke
Local 6, San Francisco, California

Union Label and Service Trades Department (1)

Lorraine Tinsley
Local 1040, Hartford, Connecticut

36th Convention

September 10-14, 2001