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Cheney: Increasing Energy Supply Vital

May 2, 2001

In anticipation of a possible national energy crunch, Vice President Richard Cheney has signaled the Administration's apparent support for new power generators and increased energy exploration.

Building additional capacity to generate electricity has been an urgent call from the IBEW, which has also advocated the development of renewable energy sources and clean-coal technologies.

Cheney's comments (Monday, April 30) hinted at the direction the Administration's national energy task force is leaning.  But Cheney provided no details on the conclusions of the panel, which has been meeting since January to develop proposals for a national energy policy.  The energy task force's recommendations will be released later this month.

"We are encouraged that the Administration seems to recognize that increasing America's sources of energy supply is a vital first step for national growth and economic stability," said IBEW International President Edwin Hill.  "We believe it is equally important to promote conservation, efficiency measures and support for alternative technologies such as solar panels.  We will watch with interest what the Administration proposes in these areas."

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