Suggested Reading
From time to time your Fourth District Staff or Vice President will come across an interesting book or video that is pertinent to what is happening
today to our members and working men and women. We will put information here to help you obtain these books, etc. if you choose to buy them.
If you are aware of any such books please send us an e-mail and tell us about it.To order the book(s) below and dozens of other publications and
items follow the link(s) below to order for yourself or for that conscientious leader that simply wants to do a better job.
I am highlighting the books below, they should be of interest, to any Local Union Leader in this challenging environment today. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Democracy in Chains: The Deep History of the Radical Right's Stealth Plan for America
By Nancy MacLean
In Democracy in Chains: The Deep History of the Radical Right's Stealth Plan for America, MacLean explores the roots
of the radical right’s effort to alter the rules of democratic governance in the U.S. She warns that their agenda to eliminate
unions, prevent citizens from voting, privatize public services, and deny climate change—will permanently disable democracy.
334 pages hardcover
Cost: $28.00
Robert’s Rules of Order in Brief, 2nd edition
By Henry M. Robert III, Daniel H. Honemann and Thomas J. Balch
This is a newly-updated handbook containing everything you need to know about chairing – and participating in – a meeting. It is published
in cooperation with the people behind the official Robert’s Rules, so it’s the real thing. Handy tables offer quick help during a meeting you
can quickly scan a page and understand how to make your next move. It covers everything you need, even a complete description of
your rights and responsibilities as a convention delegate and a comprehensive chapter on frequently asked questions. Included are sample
dialogues to get you confidently through motions, nominations, elections, votes, debate, amendments, and more, and invaluable tips for keeping
meetings orderly and on track.
197 pages paperback
Cost: $7.50
Negotiating for the Union
An Inside View of Strategies
and Tactics (DVD, Plus Guide)
By The Worker Institute at Cornell
This is a three part series, produced in-house by The Worker Institute at Cornell, with union volunteers and labor educators. This DVD is a tool for
teaching about negotiations and grievances and is sold with a discussion guide for each segment: An Inside View of Collective Bargaining (two versions,
one with commentary by ILR faculty), Bargaining and Caucus Techniques, and Resolving a Suspension Grievance. Proceeds from the sale of the series
will be used to support worker participation in training programs offered by the Worker Institute at Cornell. For a free download of the video An Inside View
of Collective Bargaining with commentary by respected faculty at the ILR School at Cornell, visit
Published by UCS
(One DVD, plus guide)
Cost: $29.95
Labor and the Environmental Movement: The Quest for Common Ground
By Brian K. Obach
Relations between organized labor and environmental groups are typically characterized as adversarial, most often because of the threat of job losses invoked
by industries facing environmental regulation. But, as Brian Obach shows, the two largest and most powerful social movements in the United States actually share
a great deal of common ground. Unions and environmentalists have worked together on a number of issues, including workplace health and safety,
restoration, and globalization. (Examples include the surprising solidarity of "Teamsters and Turtles" in the anti-WTO demonstrations in Seattle,
and the
Steelworkers-Sierra Club "Blue-Green Alliance").
Labor and the Environmental Movement examines why, when, and how unions and environmental organizations
either cooperate or come into conflict.
By exploring the inter-organizational dynamics that are crucial to cooperative efforts, and presenting detailed studies of labor-
environmental group coalition
building from around the country (examining in detail examples from Maine, New Jersey, New York, Washington, and Wisconsin),
the author provides insight i
nto how these movements can be brought together to promote a just and sustainable society.
338 pages
Cost: $29.95 _________________________________________________________________________________________________
Fundamentals of Labor Arbitration
By Jay E. Grenig and Rocco M. Scanza
A valuable new resource, Fundamentals of Labor Arbitration is a great introduction to the way disputes in the labor-management setting are
dealt with under collective bargaining agreements and statutes. It is particularly helpful to unionists at all levels who need to understand how
this important process works.
176 pages paperback
Price: $55.00
The Legal Rights of Union Stewards, 6th Edition
By Robert M. Schwartz
This is a 2009, Fourth Edition (revised) of a classic for labor activist: a thorough and easy-to-use digest of the
rights of union stewards
and officers.Also available in Spanish, 6th edition, or as a 2 CD audio book.
Specify in "comment" field when ordering.
155 pages paperback
Price: $20.00
Welcome to the Union: A Pamphlet for New Employees
By Michael Mauer
Don’t let management’s voice be the only one heard by new employees who hire on in your unionized workplace. Welcome them to the job
with this easy-to-read, solidarity-building introduction to unionism. It comes in two versions -- public sector and private sector. Welcome to the Union
helps new co-workers understand unionism and is designed to win their support and involvement. It’s a quick and easy read that offers a
concise, to-the-point explanation of how unions operate and the vital role every employee can play helping improve the workplace for all.
13 pages pamphlet
Price: $2.50
Mother Jones said it best:
Sit down and read, Educate yourself for the coming conflict.
Conflict is busting out all over. Are you prepared?
We are highlighting must read books that help us understand the times in which we are living. More Books

How to Win Past Practice Grievances
This book explains the powerful labor relations principle of past practice.
It assists union representatives in identifying past practice violations, investigating grievances, making presentations, evaluating
whether to file for arbitration, and filing labor board charges.
It answers dozens of critical questions, including: What are the five requirements necessary to establish a past practice? Must a
practice exist throughout the workplace? Must a past practice be jointly established? and Is a new owner required to respect a past practice?
Price: $13.00

Just Cause