The Kentucky State Conference of The IBEW convened on March 20, 2014 in Louisville Kentucky at the Galt House Hotel. State Conference President Charlie Essex opened the meeting at 1pm. Local Union Delegates throughout Kentucky attended along with, 4th District International Vice President Ken Cooper, Kentucky Secretary of Labor Larry Roberts, and the Fourth District Staff. Secretary-Treasurer Wayne Myers recorded the meeting and presented the organizations Financial Report. Topics of Discussion included a report from Vice President Cooper on the Progress Meeting that will be held in Louisville, Kentucky July 7-9 at the Galt House Hotel, and confirmed information will be mailed to all local's in the District very soon. Secretary of Labor Larry Roberts reported on two Bills in Kentucky, Right to Work, and the Repealing of Prevailing Wage, that were recently voted on and defeated in the House of Labor and the Industry Committee. Thanks were referred to those legislators that supported working families in their efforts of defeating these two Bills. Larry also spoke on the importance of keeping current control of the Kentucky House of Representatives, gave a report on misclassification of workers bills, and the need for additional lobbyists for Labor in the state of Kentucky. Reports were given by the Kentucky Local's in attendance: 369, 212, 317, 816, 575, 1701, 2246, 1627, and 2220. Fourth District Senior Organizing Coordinator Gary Osborne presented an update on Kentucky House Bill 38; an electrical inspection bill that would require counties to have an electrical inspector and would require permits. The Bill passed the House and was assigned to the Senate Judiciary Committee where it will most likely die. The next Kentucky State Conference of the IBEW is scheduled for May 22nd, 9:30am, at Local 369's Hall in Louisville, Kentucky.