"BlackOut Tees" A Great Fit for IBEW Local 1347
Click here to Order Shirts on BlackOut Tees Website
IBEW Local 1347 is excited to announce a new relationship and welcomes BlackOut Tees Inc. as a supplier for American made shirts, hats, and other accessories that are embroidered, screen printed, etc., and prepared by the production team that are IBEW 1347 members and employees of BlackOut Tees. BlackOut Tees Inc. and their employees reached out to IBEW 1347 because they wanted to join a Union for the benefit of team structure, professional skills, and a trained workforce that targets goals of the high quality of American and Union made products and services. This new Union employer looks forward to achieving excellence and standards of superior service. The next time your Local orders tee shirts, hats, and other accessories make sure they look at using our new Brothers and Sisters at BlackOut Tees!
Read the complete Organizing story on IBEW.Org.
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