. Fourth District Organizers Score Big On Asplundh Tree
Experts Representation Elections
Update - March 12, 2015
During the last seven months the Fighting Fourth District has worked as a Team including International Vice President Ken Cooper, District Organizing Coordinator Gary Osborne, Fourth District State Organizing Coordinators, Professional & Industrial Organizers, and Local Union Organizers in three different Local Unions. All have worked together as a team and made major gains winning Twenty Four consecutive Representation Elections consisting of over 900 Asplundh Tree Expert employees. This Campaign has real momentum and no end in sight with more elections scheduled says District Organizing Coordinator Osborne. IBEW Local Unions 71, 317, and 369 have been involved in the campaign that has covered 31 Asplundh locations to date, wins include 10 in West Virginia, 9 in Kentucky,1 in Ohio, and 4 in Virginia for a total of 24 victories without a defeat for the employees of Asplundh Tree.
International Vice President Cooper said the employees of Asplundh Tree Experts is the real key to the success, they have voted for change and have the courage to step forward and make that change in their workplace, a change for a more secure future, we owe it to them to work on getting the very best Collective Bargaining Agreement we can possibly obtain.
This campaign affects in a positive manner many more lives than the 900 employees of Asplundh Tree Experts, says Osborne. More elections is scheduled in March!
Asplundh Organizing Vote a Landslide in Indiana
Asplundh's Mich. Workers Win Voice